“Definitely a blessing.” Chad nodded, then added softly, “I’m also very sorry about what you went through with that filthy excuse of a man.”

“Thank you.” She tightened her jaw. “This isn’t about my past pain, though. We need to know what the Rindlesbachers are up to and why they want Sunny.”

Both men looked ready to protest, but she couldn’t let herself go back to wallowing in pain or dreaming of Malik holding her and healing completely together. It was time to focus.

“The Rindlesbachers have a foul scheme and we have to figure it out before they hurt anyone else.”

“You think it’s about their play for the crown?” Chad rubbed at his jaw, always decorated with the perfect amount of scruff.

“Maybe,” Sophie said. “William said something about how he’d make my daughter royalty.”

“T said there’s a growing threat from Rindlesbacher to the royal line,” Malik said. “I can’t believe that insane, selfish idiot would think he deserves to be king.”

“He’s definitely insane and selfish, but sadly he isn’t an idiot,” she said. “I’m afraid his plans are bigger than any of us can understand.”

Malik arched an eyebrow. “Why don’t you tell us what William threatened tonight and why you think he’s after the crown and we’ll go from there.”

She studied each man in turn. “You both obviously know the depth of William’s depravity. I was afraid I’d have to convince you that the Rindlesbachers were evil.”

Malik raised both hands and nodded in acknowledgment.

“If I’m trusting you with everything, you need to trust me as well, or we’ll never be able to beat him and Naomi.” Thank heavens Treven was in jail, but he could still hurt and maim and kill from prison.

The two men exchanged a look. Chad inclined his head deferentially to Malik. “It’s your choice.”

Malik turned to Sophie. “All right, Soph. You tell your secrets and I’ll tell mine.”

She flushed, secretly loving that line. She wanted to share everything with him. In her previous life, a future with Malik wasn’t just the dream of a girl who wanted to grow up and become a princess. Their future together had been so assured, there was nothing she wouldn’t have wagered against becoming Malik’s wife someday. The sun would fail to rise on eighteen-year-old Sophie Pedersen before anything came between her and Malik.

How little she’d known about how dark life could become.

“But you must understand that no one but my family, Chad, and Jensen know the extent of these secrets,” Malik continued. “You can’t even tell your parents what we share tonight.”

“My parents don’t even know who Sunny’s father is. I think you can trust me to keep your secrets.”

His gaze held her captive as it always did. “I do trust you, Soph.”

He trusted her. Even though she’d blatantly lied to him six years ago and kept secrets from everyone.

“Thank you.” Once again, she blinked back tears. Once again, she wished this nightmare had a resolution and she could restore what she’d had with Malik once upon a time.

Would that dream ever happen?

Sadly, she didn’t see a path to their restored happily ever after. She didn’t even see a glimmer of light through the fog and the thick brambles and forest of trees blocking their way.

Chapter Six

Malik studied Sophie as she shared what William Rindlesbacher had threatened her with earlier tonight, some rumors she’d overheard while catering fancy parties regarding the Rindlesbachers and Jensen, and briefly about her friend Livvy Moser who William and Naomi had tried to groom to marry Treven because she had royal blood from Great Britain.

It was all intriguing and disturbing. He focused on the problems of the present, but it was difficult with Sophie so close. His desire to hold her and help her heal from the pain she’d experienced at Treven’s brutal hands overwhelmed him. His own pain was deep as he tried to wrap his mind around the woman he loved being raped and then instead of turning to him, she’d bravely and unselfishly lied to protect him. There was also the inconsequential but still annoying fact that Chad was obviously interested in Sophie, and Sophie had never told Malik the two of them weren’t in fact dating.

He and Chad filled her in on the masterful way William Rindlesbacher had set up Hattie Ballard August. Sophie was stunned to learn the woman was innocent, not dead, and married to Prince Steffan. They assumed William had killed Franz Wengreen and framed Hattie to clear Treven’s name for the murder of Jane Presley that Treven had tried to frame Hattie for five years ago.

The evidence was stacking up to a convoluted puzzle to undermine Malik’s family. Last week Naomi had recruited Ellery Monson with impressive lies, backed up by the media’s version of Hattie’s guilt, and then when they failed to capture Hattie, Treven had attempted to kidnap Ellery and told her she was going to murder the king for them.

They explained that Prime Minister Henry Shule, who they’d once thought was a lifelong friend of King Nolan’s was either being manipulated by William or aiding the Rindlesbachers.

William was scheming to entrap and topple the royal family. The August family. Malik’s family.