Music begins to play, it’s not the traditional wedding march but one all three of us agreed we loved. Walking down the aisle on Dominic’s arm towards Chambers feels magical. I am in the most beautiful dress, fit for a princess, about to wed a handsome, loving Duke.
“My beautiful Duchess,” Chambers whispers as I reach the dais. Reaching for my hand, he takes it, bringing it to his lips. Brushing a kiss over my knuckles, his eyes flicker past me to Dominic. I am still holding his arm and for a moment, the three of us are connected.
Dominic moves to Chambers’ side, where a best man would be, and I turn to face Chambers. Our hands stay tightly woven between us as the priest starts the ceremony. We repeat the vows the priest says, but they are not the vows that matter.
We made our vows last night, all three of us, so they will be the ones we live by.
“I will always cherish you,” Chambers had whispered as we laid in bed, tangled up together.
“I will always protect you,” Dominic swore as he cradled me against his chest.
“I will always be loyal to both of you,” I promised before they both pressed closer, the three of us sharing a poignant¸ hungry kiss.
We would make love for the rest of the night, sealing our relationship in ways no priest or vows ever could. There was more than orgasms shared between us. We shared ourselves, our true selves, parts of ourselves we had never been able to share with anyone else.
Before I agreed to this arranged marriage, I swore I would never need to get married. I told myself I was fine alone. I was a strong, independent woman and I did not need a man to take care of me. I could spend my days alone the way my Gran had, because she was still happy.
It was when I got here that I realized I had been lying to myself. I hated being alone. I hated that I had nothing but my beloved cat—who Dominic promises to make a special trip to bring home to me here—and my job at the library. I was not truly happy. And I don’t think my Gran was either.
There is a difference between being alone and being lonely. I had been lonely most of my life. I had my Gran, but only parts of her. A huge part of her had been left behind when she left Cambridge.
And my Ma...when my father had come for her, she thought she would get to live the life her mother had been denied. My father, I have found since being here in Cambridge, did not abandon her. Just like my grandfather had never abandoned Gran or my Ma.
They were called to duty for Cambridge for their family. They had never doubted their position or the responsibilities of it. Their sacrifice was for their country, their province, and their King. I am proud of them now that I know the truth, though never getting to know them seems unfair.
I am being asked a simple sacrifice—to become a bride.
It is no sacrifice at all. I am in love with my husband. I am in love with our guard. And I am in love with the province and its people. I am proud to become their Duchess. Proud to learn more about the province, get to know its people, and serve them and my husband well.
“I do,” I whisper when I am asked if I want to be Chambers’ wife.
“I do,” he husks back when asked if he wants to be my husband.
We kiss softly, a soft murmur rippling through the crowd watching Neither of us even notice them. All we are aware of is each other. Not just the two of us, the three of us together. Dom is there too and even if my kiss is for my new husband, he is a part of it with us.
“The new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.” Announces the priest.
After the wedding there is a huge procession through town. Chambers said the entire province will turn out. To see me in my dress, as the new Duchess. To see their Duke in all his royal glory. Him taking a bride will instill trust in his people, because we will provide an heir to continue his legacy.
“Come, wife,” Chambers urges, taking my hand to lead me down the dais, “allow me to show of my new Duchess.”
Dominic remains behind us as he always has. And as he always will. Outside an actual carriage waits for us. Chambers’ mother and my Gran get sit in their carriage, looking very regal in their beautiful gowns. Dom stays with us as the procession starts, his happiness palpable.
“Tomorrow, we go on holiday,” Chambers says as we head towards town, revelers lining the roads. “Dexter will oversee my Duke duties while we take some time to celebrate our wedding. Dominic will fly us on our private plane. Where do you want to go first, love? Anywhere in the world.”
“Is it weird I want to go home? I want to show you both Silver Shores.”
“Hah! You owe me fifty dollars, Chambers,” Dominic taunts him.
“You both bet on where I wanted to go first?” I ask, feigning shock.
“Yes. We also bet on who the cat will love more. Dominic will scare it off. It will come running to me,” Chambers boast, beaming at both of us.
We laugh together and I sigh. This is my life. Laughing and living with these two beautiful men. I love them both more than I knew I could love someone. I never thought this sort of happiness could exist. As I wave to the people of Cambridge as their new Duchess, I am smiling wide.
It doesn’t exist in my world, but here in Cambridge, where I just became a Duchess who married her Duke, it’s the kind of magic you only find once in a lifetime. In my case, I found it twice.
I am theirs and they are mine and we will get to live a royal happily ever after together.