“Milk both our cocks, love. Let us put a baby in your belly. It won’t matter who the daddy is, long as you’re the mama,” I groan against her mouth, smacking her ass as she bounces on us both.
That does it for all three of us. I push in at the same time Dominic does and it’s so perfect. It’s so sweet. Her head falls back on his shoulder as I lean up, sealing my mouth to hers. Then Dom is kissing her and somehow, I am kissing him, all of us grunting as we come together.
We collapse as one tangled unit, both of us still jerking inside her. It won’t matter who the daddy is, no one would know but us. And they would be the only ones who cared. Everything I care about is right here, tied to me.
Our wedding is tomorrow, but none of us care. We make love all night, figuring out all the ways we can be together. I love watching him take her, her eyes wild as he pumps inside her. And I love it when he watches us, his hand pumping his shaft until he pulls her close so she can swallow him.
Charlotte mentioned magic the first day we met, and I laughed at it. Now I realize she was so right. This is truly magic. The three of us coming together is the most magical thing in the world.
Chapter Ten
Being fuck drunk on your wedding day might be a bad look.
Well, to be honest, I look better than I should on two hours of sleep. I am sore all over in the best way. With glowing skin and marked by Chambers and Dominic’s hands and mouths, I feel like a million bucks. And a good thing because this wedding cost a million.
“I am so proud of you, Charlotte,” Gran whispers as she fixes the short veil, looking at me in the huge, gilded mirror.
“Proud of me for getting married?” I wonder, our eyes meeting in the mirror.
“No, sweetheart,” she says on a sigh, her hands grasping my shoulders as she takes a deep breath. “For being open to this life. To becoming a Duchess. We never prepared you for it the way we should have. Here you are, looking like a princess, about to wed your prince.”
Smiling at her, I nod as I am overwhelmed with emotions. I am truly about to become a princess to the most handsome, sweet, loving prince. Our titles may be different, but we will be living a fairytale life here in his castle. I will be loved, cherished, and spoiled by my duke—andmy guard.
Behind me, Dominic stands, watching as I fuss with my dress and veil. When I catch his gaze in the mirror, he smirks at me, giving me a wink. My stomach flips as I am hit with a flash of him over me, pumping inside me as he told me how good I felt, how perfect I wrapped around his cock. It was just hours ago that he was inside me while my future husband held me, telling me what a good girl I was for taking both of them so good.
Shivers of need for more of what we all shared last night run through me. I hear his dark chuckle and I turn, making a face at him. He grins even bigger as his eyes slide over me salaciously.
“Gran, can I have a moment alone?” I ask softly, knowing she won’t deny me a moment to collect my thoughts before I walk down the aisle.
“Of course, sweetheart. I will make sure everything is perfect.”
Once the door closes after her, I hold my breath just a moment. I let it out once I hear the click of the lock. I smile because that sound is his promise that we will not be disturbed. I hear his footsteps on the cool marble get closer before I feel him.
“Duchess, you make the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. I am so damn blessed I get to walk you down the aisle to be married.”
“You had to be a part of it, Dom,” I answer, sighing as he wraps his hands around my waist, drawing me back against his chest. “I wish they allowed me to wed both of you. Can we make that a law?”
Chuckling again, he kisses the side of my neck, inhaling me deeply. His arm wraps an arm around my waist as he catches my eyes in the mirror. His dark eyes shimmer with pride, with adoration, and with happiness. I am the one who is blessed. I will be loved and cherished by two beautiful princes.
“I wish we could. I love you, Charlotte,” he rasps, his eyes blazing with the truth of his words. “I love Chambers too. We would never get to have one another if not for you. I don’t need vows from you or from him. I know we will get forever together. That is all that matters, Duchess.”
“I love you, Dominic. You will be my husband as much as Chambers will be. Like I will be your wife as much as I am his. I love you both so much. I never even wanted to be married, and now I am going to be a wife to two men.”
“Mmm, wifeandmother to our babies. I cannot wait to see this sweet body round with our child. You are so beautiful as a bride, Duchess, you will be even more stunning as a mother.”
Dominic holds me close, our bodies swaying slightly. I turn in his arms and his mouth seals to mine as I wind my arms around his neck. I am so excited to get married. To get to spend my life with these two men. I feel safe and protected in Dom’s arms as much as I feel adored and loved in Chambers’ arms.
“Come, Duchess. Let’s get you to the Duke. We want to get to the honeymoon, yes?”
Taking his arm the way I did my very first day here, I nod. Yes, I am going to get married. In a beautiful gown, in a castle, to a literal prince. I cannot wait for our honeymoon. Chambers said he wanted to take me to see the world, so we will be on honeymoon for a few weeks, doing just that.
Dominic opens the doors, pausing for a moment to lean over to kiss me once more. He whispersI love you, and we head for the throne room. I am smiling ear to ear, lit up with joy, looking forward to our future. I am a very different woman than I was when I agreed to this just a week ago.
In time I will learn how to truly be a Duchess. I will learn how to speak, how to wave properly, and essentially how to carry myself as a royal. I will be a good Duchess because I want to learn everything I can about Cambridge and its people. I want to do what I can to ensure our province and its residents are thriving.
With the two huge doors leading to the throne room open, I can view the whole wedding scene. The two thrones I saw here before are gone. In their place stands my future husband and the priest. Blue and white flowers adorn the rows of seating, hang from the walls with yards of blue silk draped from the high ceilings and candles burning in the silver sconces.