Mytemple prickled from the danger of his large frame towering over me, butIheld my ground.TheMCand lighting guy caught my eye, appearing equally terrified ofAxel.Theypresumed the situation asAxelbeing my uber-possessive boyfriend and, ifIwasn’t mistaken, were apprehensively concerned about me for taking on the big bully.

Withmy team of cheerleaders backing me,Iglared at him with hell’s fury pulsing through me.Ididn’t know what overcame me.Possibly, it was becauseIcouldn’t physically take him out but wanted to stick it to him for scaring the shit out ofThickCupcake.Withoutthinking,Ijumped on the red seat of our corner booth.Usingit as leverage,Istepped onto the table.

Axeldidn’t move, shocked by my irrational behavior.Itook his momentary lapse in judgment in stride and started dancing to non-existent music.Itwas the only thingIcould think of to retaliate sinceAxelseemed hellbent on his possessiveness.TheMCmet my gaze simultaneously, and through sheer cosmic power, he read my mind.Hegrinned upon realizingIwas sticking it to my supposed possessive boyfriend and whispered something to the lighting guy.Themusic returned to full blast, and his voice boomed through the speakers right as the spotlight fell on me.

“Ladiesand gentlemen, we have a very special surprise for you tonight.Pleasewelcome,Ms.PinkSiren.”Courtesyof my hot pink cami?

Alleyes at the club turned to our table.Iflipped my hair on cue as the dancers had done and flipped it back, keeping in rhythm to the music.Thepatrons started cheering and hooting, andItwisted my butt to one side… that was as far asIgot.

Axel, the force of nature, charged at me.Hegrabbed my hips and lifted me off the table, flinging me over his shoulders.Around ofboosbounced off the walls asAxelmoved at an alarming speed.

“Ohmy god!”Ishouted. “Putme down, you psycho.”

Aggressiveenergy emanated from him. “No.”

Fallweather cooled my heated shoulders as we exited the club. “Putme down!Putme down!Putme down!”Ishouted, scratching his back.

“Whythe fuck shouldIwhen you purposely pissed me off?”

“Becauseyou’re pressing down on my bladder, andI’mabout to pee my pants.”

Axelset me down on the pavement, and though his eyes remained impassive, he was as close to smiling asIhad seen all night.Notwithstandingour livid argument and tendency to push each other’s buttons,Istarted giggling.

Justas unexpectedly we had gotten caught up in a heated argument, the anger passed equally swiftly.Ithrew my head back and laughed openly while my bladder threatened to give.WhenIstopped,Ifound his eyes trained on mine with a smirk.

Mymind suddenly went startlingly blank.Icouldn’t interpret his thoughts in the way he was looking at me, but the unfamiliar sensation from earlier returned with full force.Theintimidating feelings were so overwhelming and so bipolar thatIwondered ifI’dlose myself in this fog.Partof me wanted to make a run for it.Theother part wanted to lean into the fear to see what it would unveil.

Inthe end,Idid neither.

“Howdo you feel about adult movie theaters?”Iasked. “I’msure they have bathrooms.”

Hismouth quirked. “Isuppose you have a place in mind.”

Inodded, smiling sweetly.IpickedBoobieLodgebecause it was within walking distance of my next dodgy destination.


Steala bottle of liquor from a bar

Shotguna beer

Crasha party

Goto a strip club

Danceon a table in front of a roomful of strangers



* * *


“Youcan putyour stuff here or leave it in my car.”Axelnodded at the blanket laid out on the soft sand.Thebonfire cackled with charge, illuminating the deserted beach.

“Hereis fine.”Iset my backpack on the blanket and reached for the fire to warm my fingers.Fallweather might be gorgeous, but not enough to fight the chill in the dead of night.