Elise looked in the mirror at the reflection peering back at her a month later. “Is that me?”
“It is,” Chloe said. “Damn, girl, you clean up well.”
She grinned and looked at her future sister-in-law. The one marrying her brother in less than an hour.
They were at Royce’s house right now and she’d just put her dress on. It was a small wedding party. She was the maid of honor and Zander was the best man for her brother. Chloe’s niece, Tiffani, was the flower girl.
Royce was at her father’s getting ready with Zander right now. She knew Chloe’s brother, Dane, would be there with his son, Tyler, who was the ring bearer.
Elise was here with Chloe. Chloe’s mother, Doreen, was in the other room getting Tiffani dressed and Willow was napping but would be woken up soon. There was a lot of hope that her five-month-old niece didn’t cry through the ceremony, but for the most part Willow was a great baby. She was positive everyone would ooh and ahh when Tiffani pulled Willow down the aisle in a little wagon.
“Me?” she said. “Look at you in that dress!”
“I’m going to start crying,” Doreen said, coming into the room with Tiffani. “Chloe, I never thought I’d see this day.”
Chloe did a little turn in her dress. The top was almost sheer on her shoulders, but it was a nude netting keeping the dress up while the lace covered her chest and down her waist. The back was open and it was obvious Chloe had no bra on.
The soft chiffon material fell over her hips and to the floor with the same pattern of lace that flowed to the train trailing behind.
There was no sparkle or shine because Chloe was shining on her own.
“Don’t cry,” Chloe said. “Be happy. You thought for sure I’d be alone forever.”
Elise laughed. She knew Chloe liked her space and me time. Her brother did too, but they were making it work and it gave her hope that she could find a way to make things work with Gabe.
One month in and things were going much better than she expected.
More so since it was a secret.
She knew he was getting antsy about it all and maybe they could say something soon, but she wanted to get through her brother’s wedding and let him get all the attention from the Fierces.
Besides, Gabe would be here today and even if they did tell everyone they were dating, he wouldn’t be sitting with her anyway. She’d be at the head table, he’d be with his family. Or at least his parents and probably the Olsons too.
This wasn’t a huge wedding. Maybe a hundred people or so. Family and close coworkers and business partners. Which of course included the other three businesses they had such strong dealings with.
“No,” Doreen said. “I just didn’t think you’d find someone this soon and your father and I are thrilled. He’s going to cry when he sees you. Maybe harder than me.”
“What about me?” Tiffani asked. “Will Daddy cry when he sees me?”
“Come here,” Chloe said to her niece. “Your daddy is going to have a hard time watching you all dressed up. He’s going to want you to stay his little girl forever.”
Elise laughed. “My father will be like that. Or he was like that when I was your age, Tiffani. My mother might not even show up.”
Her mother didn’t come to the rehearsal dinner last night and she was actually happy about that. Becky Vern had some excuse that no one cared about. She was positive it had more to do with her mother not wanting to be that close to her father. Whatever. It was obvious her mother couldn’t suck it up for one damn night.
But the fact her mother didn’t like to be talked about might be the only reason getting her here today. Or Steve might.
Steve had some strong family values and at least tried. They all gave up and let her mother live her life away from them now. Everyone was happier.
“Your mother is coming today, right?” Doreen asked. “Tiffani, why don’t you take my phone and go sit over there nicely while we finish getting ready. We’ll be going soon. This way I know you won’t get messed up. Your favorite game is on it.”
“Thank you, Grandma.”
She watched Tiffani go to the other side of the living room and sit on the couch.
“I think so, but your guess is as good as mine,” Elise said. “Unless she comes down with some magical flu. It’s funny she’s going to be meeting Willow for the first time today. Or maybethat embarrassment will keep her away. It’s not like she lives twenty states over.”