Page 75 of Fierce-Gabe

“I just want to make sure,” he said. She hadn’t said anything about the Fierce women coming over other than dropping off cookies. He was trying to find out without coming out and saying anything.

“I’m great,” she said. “Are you? Something I should know?”

“I’m more than great,” he said earnestly. Best to drop it now. He’d find out more when he needed to. If she wasn’t saying much, that meant nothing had happened to set her off or lead her on.

“Good,” she said. She grabbed plates and put them on the island in her kitchen. He’d rather eat there next to her than the table anyway.

“I’ll get the rest,” he said.

He found the silverware and set the table while she cut a few slices of bread from a loaf and then brought over the lasagna.

“Thanks,” she said. “Do you want a beer?”

“That’d be great,” he said.

She poured a Fierce beer for him and she got herself a glass of wine.

They sat down and filled their plates and she started to laugh.

He looked at her trying to figure out what was so funny.

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m just looking around and thinking that if I lit a candle and dimmed the lights with the flowers here it’s a pretty romantic dinner.”

“It could be,” he said seriously.

“I’m not much into romance. Are you?”

“I could do it,” he said. “But it’s not my thing. I think we should all try something different now and again but not if it’s uncomfortable.”

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for that.”

“Why?” he asked. “What am I missing?”

“Not to put a damper on this night. I didn’t mean for this conversation to take that path, but I’m happy that you understand that. I’m all for trying things but like that you understand it’s not a one size fits all.”

“Life isn’t,” he said. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

He knew she was thinking of her mother, but neither of them wanted to voice that.

“I won’t. Not again,” she said. “Or I’ll try not to listen. Eat up while it’s warm.”

He took a huge bite knowing they were done talking about this. The rich tangy sauce and melty cheese with the spicy sausage started to dance and sing in his mouth.

“Is this made from scratch? Please tell me it is.”

“Yes,” she said, laughing. “It looks as if you’re having another orgasm.”

“Damn close,” he said. “This is amazing.” He eyed the big dish in front of him. “Don’t suppose I can get some to go?”

“That was the plan,” she said.

“I like when you plan.”

She smirked at him and put a big bite of food in her mouth, her tongue coming out to lick the sauce off her lip with a sensual look in her eye.

Yeah, she was jerking him around now and he loved that too!