“Sure. But again, nothing to worry about. She said I looked beautiful.”
“You did,” he said. “But to me, you look more beautiful now.”
A clean fresh face, leggings and a T-shirt, damp hair hanging around her shoulders.
She was comfortable in her body and appearance and that said it all in his mind.
“Thanks,” she said. “You know, I looked at myself in the mirror and didn’t recognize the woman looking back at me. There might have been a tiny part of me that worried you’d think of the last time I was dressed up.”
She was holding her finger and thumb up and he stopped the hot dog from going to his mouth and reached for her hand instead.
“It never crossed my mind. You are two different people with a lot of years in between.”
“I believe you.”
“You should,” he said. “There is no reason not to.”
“Once my mother made the compliment, she then had to turn it into a lecture that if I looked like this more I’d attract someone.”
“You should have told her you had someone.”
She sighed. “I wanted to. It wasn’t the place. And it’s not like I want her to be the first person I say it to.”
“When are we going to say something?” he asked.
“Back to my mother first. I want to clear that all first. Everything is fine. My father asked too. It really is. I kept my distance and was the bigger person as I said. I want you to know that.”
“I can see it myself,” he said.
“Good,” she said. “As for us, I think we should figure out how to tell people. Did you know Carolyn and Diane have someone picked out for you?”
“What?” he asked. He stopped the food from returning to his mouth again. “What are you talking about?”
“When you saw me talking to them, they’d come over to say that I looked good with Zander.”
“I heard,” he said. He couldn’t keep the frown from his face even though he knew the Fierces knew he was dating Elise.
“It was a joke. I’d already told them no. That Zander was like a brother. He agreed. Then I mentioned they had to have other people on their list they could work on rather than me.”
“And my name came up?”
“Yep,” she said. “I think I wasn’t supposed to know they had someone for you. Diane let it slip and Carolyn reminded her. Or maybe it was the other way around. I don’t know. I couldn’t think after that.”
He had to fight the grin from forming on his face. Damn, they were good.
“Did they say who it was? This is news to me.”
“They didn’t say and I couldn’t very well ask.”
No, she wouldn’t have done that and drawn attention to them.
“I’d already been thinking that maybe we should let people know we are dating. Or at least talking more.”
“I think this is like a Band-Aid situation. Rip it off fast. Don’t drag it out,” he said. It’d be more painful for him than anyone if she did that. “You could get tripped up that way too.”
“Good point,” she said. She reached for another dog as she’d eaten the first one rather quickly. He did the same. “These are good.”