Page 89 of Fierce-Gabe

They moved to the bathroom and she turned the water on in the shower, both of them stripping, and then she pulled all the pins out of her hair.

“Let me in first,” she said. “I’ve got to get all this spray out of my hair and makeup off my face. I hope I don’t break out from having so much on.”

“I doubt it,” he said.

He was behind her in the shower while she had her head under the spray wetting everything. He leaned over her to get his head first and stopped the water from reaching her.

“Hey,” she said.

“It’s wet enough for you to lather up. I won’t take as long.”

He grabbed the shampoo and dumped some on her head. She laughed and moved back while she was rubbing it in. He did his and was rinsing off while she was still working her fingers through her hair.

He grabbed the soap and moved back while she returned under the spray. Once she was reaching for the conditioner, he was rinsing the soap off his body.

“You can’t seem to help yourself,” she said as her fingers grazed the length of his dick which was rock hard.

“More like not control, but we’ll eat and get back to this later.”

“Good,” she said. She nudged him out of the way to get back under the water and get the conditioner out of her hair.

To help her out he lathered his hands with the soap and started cleaning her breasts from behind.

“Just moving you along faster,” he said when she started to laugh.

His hand went between her legs and covered her with soap there and then he got out and let her finish up.

He was pulling his clean underwear on when the shower door opened and she stepped out.

“Thanks for the assist,” she said.

“Glad to be of help,” he said. “I’ll go get dinner set up.”

“I guess you are hungry,” she said.

“More like the faster we eat the sooner we can get back up here.”

She nodded and went back to drying off and he got dressed and went downstairs to take care of dinner.

When she came down five minutes later, her hair was just damp but not dried all the way. He’d heard the hairdryer turn on at one point.

“Sorry,” she said. “Just needed to get some of the water out of my hair and then I hung up my dress and your suit.”

“You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” he said, returning her words.

“We need the bed cleaned up if we are going there next,” she pointed out. “Yum.”

She grabbed one of the five dogs he’d bought. More than they’d need, but he’d eat them later too. Or tomorrow. He wasn’t fussy.

“You don’t look anything like your mother,” he said. He wanted to get this out in the open. If she had issues with her mother today he wanted her to be able to talk about them.

“No,” she said. “I look more like my father, but as you can tell, I’m built like my mother.”

“I did notice that.” Becky Vern was on the petite side with large breasts.

“Today was fine,” she said. “Don’t worry. We had some words and I walked away like the bigger person.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.