“I don’t think Royce cares anymore,” Chloe said. “You shouldn’t either.”
“I know. And you’re right—if he doesn’t, then I shouldn’t either.”
Elise just hoped her mother stayed away from her, but doubted she would after seeing the way she looked with her hair all done up and the makeup applied. Nothing she could have done herself and she knew she wouldn’t look this way if Chloe didn’t have a stylist come to do their hair and makeup at the house.
Deep down she couldn’t wait for Gabe to see her. She prayed it didn’t bring back memories of their first time.
Then she told herself to cut the crap. That was different. This was now.
This was her brother’s wedding and she was already deep into a relationship with the guy. He’d seen her naked plenty and now he was going to see her in a dress. What was the big deal?
The big deal was…no one knew. She couldn’t even go over and kiss him. Not even react when she saw him in a suit because in her mind he was going to knock her out of her pumps.
“That’s right,” Chloe said. “You know, looking at you in that dress, that shade of green and all, the Fierces might see the go signal and start their plotting. If they haven’t already.”
“No, thank you,” she said. “I’m good on my own.”
Chloe laughed. “We all said that.”
She found it funny no one had told her who the Fierces had picked out for her. But then she got thinking maybe her father did get through to them. Or they moved on to other people and were leaving her alone for now.
She tried to stay out of it and never asked too many questions. It’s not like she saw them often and it was better that way.
“I, for one, find it intrusive but funny,” Doreen said.
“Whatever works, Mom,” Chloe said. “You got yourself another grandchild out of this.”
“I did,” Doreen said.
They heard a phone go off and Chloe walked over to check hers on the table. “The limo is on the way,” Chloe said. “It should be about fifteen minutes. I guess I should get Willow up and dressed.”
“I’ll do it,” Doreen said. “No reason for you to worry about getting messed up. She’s only been napping for about twenty minutes and is fed.”
“Her diaper bag is ready,” Chloe said.
“Don’t you worry,” Doreen said. “I’ve got this. Willow and I will be following behind the limo.”
It was just Elise, Chloe and Tiffani in the limo. She thought that was nice of Doreen to have the baby with her so that Chloe wasn’t worried if Willow was fussing or spitting up.
Her mother wouldn’t have stepped up to make this day as stress free as possible, but she knew her father would.
She’d bet Stacy McCarthy would do that for her kids too.
Then she wondered why that thought came into her head.
She and Gabe were dating. They weren’t even close to anything serious in her mind.
How could they be when no one even knew they were dating but the two of them?
That was her problem and one for another day.
Forty minutes later, they arrived at the church. There was less than thirty minutes before the ceremony. The restaurant where the reception was taking place wasn’t that far away. She realized now her car was at Royce’s and she’d have to get a rideback there later on. She didn’t think there’d be a way to do it with Gabe and not be seen. She would have to have her father give her a lift.
“Are you worried about leaving Willow for a week?” she asked Chloe when they were in the back of the church waiting for everyone. Willow was with her grandmother. Dane had just popped his head in to check on Tiffani so Doreen had taken both Willow and Tiffani over there.
“It’s going to be hard,” Chloe said. “I know. Royce is going to struggle too. I’m not sure why we decided to take a honeymoon now. We should have waited until the summer or next year.”
“Then things would be busy and you’d find another excuse,” she said. “I’m famous for that. It’s best to do it now. Makes it real and right to do it after the wedding.”’