“Iwould have gotten you another dozen of roses if I thought this was going to happen,” Gabe said a minute later.
He was surprised he could find the words to speak.
“It wasn’t the flowers,” she said.
“I meant as a thank you,” he said, laughing.
He kissed her again on the neck. This time a loud smacking one.
The first had been too close to tender and Elise Kennedy was far from a woman that wanted that emotion tossed at her.
He just was so depleted of energy that he didn’t think he could have held it back if he wanted to.
He wasn’t even upset she figured out what he’d been doing for a week. It was better that she had.
That she came to him on her own and knew it was the right time.
He just didn’t think it would have been done five minutes after he walked in the door.
Just like last time.
He wasn’t going to compare or think of that though.
She turned her head and kissed him on the lips. Her face was red, there was some sweat on her brow, her hair was a mess and she looked fabulous to him.
“Then you’re welcome,” she said. “Dinner is full of protein and carbs to help replenish us. See, I planned ahead.”
“It seems you did,” he said. She slid off of him and stood up. “That’s a nice look on you.” His eyes were moving over her naked lady parts on display, her large breasts covered in red lace.
“That’s a nice look on you too.”
She was staring at his cock and he wouldn’t get embarrassed he wasn’t at his best at the moment.
He stood up to take care of the condom before he made a mess in her living room.
She walked over and grabbed a paper towel off the counter in the kitchen and handed it to him.
“Thanks,” he said. He threw it out and reached for his jeans on the floor. “Guess I’m still not going to see your bedroom?”
She laughed and gave him a little playful shove. This was the side of her he always wanted to see. That he hoped was inside and was thrilled he was able to bring it out.
The one that wasn’t prissy and giggly, but open and honest. She wasn’t afraid of teasing and joking, rubbing elbows and playful moves.
“You’re the one that said you couldn’t make it up the stairs.”
“I can now,” he said. “Or maybe after dinner. I find I’m starving.”
They got dressed together and she went into the kitchen, opened the oven and pulled out the casserole dish, then set it on the stovetop.
“It can rest for a bit while I show you my room. Maybe one night you won’t mind staying?”
“I’d like that,” he said. “Or you can stay at my place. I’ll make sure it’s clean.”
She grinned. “That would be nice. You’re not too bad though.”
“Bad enough,” he said. “I’ve been told it by more than just my brother.”