Page 74 of Fierce-Gabe

His mother always rode his ass as a kid to clean his room, do his laundry, wash his sheets.

He was lazy more than anything, but he knew it didn’t get done if he didn’t do it.

His mother had enough going on in her life when she was sick. He hated that she still got up and tried to clean the house or put dinner on the table during her treatments.

She argued that she wasn’t going to lie around doing nothing for months and that it made her feel normal to have routines she’d done for years.

Jocelyn stepped up to cook at a young age. Jayce was the neat freak and cleaned the house more than anyone. Gabe did all the work outside to help his father out. Mowed the lawn, fixed things in the house. He felt the family came together as one when it was needed. They tried to get things done before their mother could get to them.

“We all make our choices in life,” she said. “You’ve got a big house.”

“It’s not like it’s fully furnished,” he said.

“It looked it to me,” she said.

He followed her up the stairs. The first room they looked in was small and set up as an office. It was facing the parking lot so he’d do the same thing.

“The downstairs is, but not upstairs. I’ve got four bedrooms. Mine, one spare with a bed in it, one with some weights to work out, the other is just empty.”

He had no reason to put more than one extra bed in his house. He had an office downstairs that he used. A dining room fully furnished that no one sat at but his mother picked at himenough he bought something to put in there. All it did was collect dust that he hadn’t wiped off in more months than he could count. He should have put a pool table in there before he fell for the pressure.

“What about over your garage? That looks to be a room or is that a bedroom?”

“It’s empty too. I should set it up as a game room. Guess most people would. Or a home theater. That is what the previous owners used it as. I’m just not home enough.”

Not like he had much company or free time so it’d be another room that collected a ton of dust he’d have to clean.

“This is my spare room,” she said. “No one stays in it. I’ve had a few friends come from out of town or come at night and stay if we drank some, but not often.”

This room was next down the hall. Then he popped his head into a full bathroom that separated the spare room from the primary at the end.

“This is a good-sized room,” he said. “It suits you too.”

The room was light green in color. The king sized bed made him happy. No worry about squeezing into a queen with her.

The bedspread was different shades of green and tan, the curtains tan on the windows and some artwork around that was more nature themed.

“Thanks,” she said. “I’m not big into decor and took my time finding what I liked. Which isn’t much.”

Her bedroom furniture was maple. A large headboard, a dresser, and a nightstand on both sides. Just one lamp, which told him which side of the bed she slept on. Not the side he did. Even more perfect and he wondered why he thought that.

He popped his head into her bathroom and saw the same color scheme of tans and greens in decor. The white counters and floors, tan tiles in the shower and the big free-standing tub.

“I don’t picture you as someone that lounges in a tub,” he said.

“Guess you don’t know me well,” she said.

She moved over to a small cabinet next to it that had a few towels on top. He thought it was decor too, but she opened it up and he saw an array of opened bubble bath bottles and candles.

“Damn,” he said. “Maybe we can get in there together sometime?”

“It’s big enough,” she said. “We could have some fun.”

She gave him a little smirk and then they made their way back downstairs.

“So we are good?” he asked.

She turned suddenly. “Why would you ask that?”