Page 158 of Roommates

‘It’s been a long time. How are you?’

‘I’m fine.’ She beams. ‘You?’

‘Very well. You have to come by very soon.’

I catch the scowl on Louisa’s face before she sees me looking at her and hides it.

Ariella nods as she sits, then looks at her hands, embarrassed. I interlace my fingers with hers under the table, where no one can see. The look she gives me makes everything in my chest warm.

After the chef describes the menu, he affectionately squeezes Ariella’s shoulder as he leaves the room.

‘So how do you know the chef, Ariella?’ Genevieve asks.

It is the worst question anyone could’ve asked at that moment. I see Lou shoot her a look that could kill.

‘Work.’ She smiles, giving nothing else away. ‘It’s amazing to have him tonight, Lou. It’s almost impossible to coax him out of his kitchen. Thank you.’

You wouldn’t think she was calling Lou out for domestic abuse a month ago. Lou perks up at the conversation being directed her way, and takes over. It’s the last we hear of Ariella and the chef’s relationship for the rest of the night.

Dinner is fun, with incredible food and what seems like unlimited, amazing wine. Ariella spends most of it quietly absorbing and occasionally participating in the conversational flow between Luciana to her left and Genevieve opposite. I can’t help listening, in between the conversations I am having with Em, Lou, Tim and Jack. Luciana and Genevieve are doing all the talking and Ariella is just asking leading questions. After the palate-cleanser that follows the osso buco, Louisa gently introduces her dessert spoon to the side of her wine glass.

‘Thank you very much for coming, guys. I wanted to say thank you to Em and Tim, for being wonderful friends and sticking by me. I’m sorry. I’m doing my best to be better and I will never put you in such an awful position again.’

Em gives her a hug.

‘Luci and Gen, thank you for being the best friends a girl could have. I’m sorry for my horrifying behaviour and I appreciate your understanding, but I’m relying on you to keep me in check. I’m only able to keep getting better with your help.’

‘We love you, Lou!’ they say in unison, blowing kisses at her from the other end of the table.

‘Ariella, I’m sorry for the way I behaved that night, and I want to thank you for drawing my attention to it. Without you, I may still be that same person. Thank you for coming tonight and giving me another chance.’

I’m not buying any of it, but I say nothing and squeeze Ariella’s hand.

‘I’m humbled by the invitation, Louisa – thank you.’

I am next.

‘Caleb, erm, thank you for being there for Jack.’

That’s it for me. The whole table, including myself, laugh. Ariella manages a slight smile and squeezes my hand.

Finally, Louisa turns to Jack. ‘Jack, I’m so, so sorry.’ And she starts to cry, hard. Even I don’t doubt that she means it.

Jack kneels by her chair and holds her. ‘It’s okay, we’ve done this already, Lou. We can get through this,’ he consoles her.

‘I’ve come to realise, that it’s those you know will hold on to you in the dark, that matter the most. I know that we’re not there yet, but…’ Louisa stands up and gets on one knee, next to Jack. ‘Do you think you would reconsider wanting to marry me?’

She was kicking the shit out of him a few weeks ago, and now she wants to be re-engaged? I spend all my energy trying to telepathically convince Jack to say no. I catch Tim’s face. He looks like he’s doing the same.

‘Baby—’ Jack starts.

No Jack, no. It’s not a yes, but it’s not a no either.

‘I have something for you,’ Louisa interrupts.

She takes a small box out from under the table. She opens it and Jack’s face makes me want to jump over the table to have a look. He lifts what looks like a fob up to show everyone. The curved T is unmistakable. The whole table gasps. Lou only went and got Jack a Tesla. I even start to feel guilty, because I’d pushed for this dinner.

‘Lou! This is too generous,’ he gushes.