Tim darts a look at Em, who has a rictus smile frozen on her face. Good. I am not the only person who thinks this shit is weird. Jack, on the other hand, is kissing Lou and repeating, ‘I love you’ like a dedicated puppy that’s pleased its owner hasn’t kicked it in a few weeks. There will be no reaching him tonight. Lou, of course, is delighted as she settles back into her chair.
‘It feels good to have this back on, baby.’ She smiles, showing everyone the rock Jack spent the equivalent of close to a year’s salary on. He’s going to be paying that loan off for ever if he doesn’t quickly clarify that ‘Baby’ didn’t mean ‘Let’s get re-engaged’. I suppose, if it all goes pear-shaped, he can sell the Tesla. If it’s in his name, that is. I chuckle – to myself, but Louisa catches it.
‘What’s so funny, Caleb?’ She rounds on me to attack, before calming herself down mid-sentence. At least she is self-policing now.
‘Nothing. Nice Tesla, Jack.’
I see Tim shut his eyes and Jack’s knuckles go white. I really want to egg her on and dismantle the whole contrite show, but Luciana decides to have a go instead.
‘Caleb, what Lou has just done tonight is the bravest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do,’ she says, venom dripping from her words. ‘We could fill this building with people you’ve treated like crap without any apologies.’
The last person I expect to speak up, just because she’d maintained a neutral position on everything up to this point, pitches in.
‘Louisa is so lucky to have you ladies in her corner. How long have you been friends with Luciana and Louisa, Genevieve?’ Ariella asks.
Luciana points an index finger at me. ‘Long enough foryouto have had zero impact.’
‘Was that since you were kids, or—’ Ariella tries again.
‘You’re such a scumbag, Caleb. Why would you laugh?’ Genevieve piles on.
‘Whoa!’ Tim intervenes. ‘Tonight isn’t about Caleb, ladies. It’s about Lou. I know you’ve had your grievances, but this isn’t appropriate.’
They both pipe down.
‘I’m sorry,’ Ariella whispers, offering a sympathetic smile.
Luciana instantly cackles and turns to her. ‘Wait until this emotionally desolate arsehole turns you into his plaything. You’ll really be sorry then.’
Ariella smiles and nods quietly at Luciana, like she has just given her the best advice. It stings a little.
‘Actually, Luciana,’ Ariella starts as she adjusts herself, ‘I’m a proud, card-carrying member of the Caleb plaything club, and I’m not sorry or ashamed. In fact, as a fully consenting single and unattached adult, I not only trust Caleb, but respect him too. When it ends and he moves on, I’ll have nothing but gratitude and affection left for him.’
Yup. Ariella just told the whole table we are sleeping together. I can feel the anger rising from Tim, Jack has his ‘holy shitballs’ look, Louisa’s mouth is open so wide something is bound to fly in there. Luci and Gen are quickly trying to work out a retort.
I hear Em mutter, ‘Shit, you’re on your own’ under her breath before she shifts her chair away. Thanks, Em. Louisa is the next to speak.
‘You’re sleeping with Caleb.’
‘Yes. I am.’ Ariella smiles sweetly at Lou.
‘And you’re okay with him being completely devoid of feeling?’
Ariella laughs. Her reaction makes me feel like I have been stabbed in the chest.
‘I’m more than okay with it. I’m learning a lot. No complaints here.’ She smiles at me. The silence that settles in the room is deafening.
As if on cue, the waitress enters the room with dessert. We eat in complete silence through to coffee. Em tries to restart the conversation, but no one is biting, apart from Ariella. I catch Jack mouthing, ‘You bastard’ at me, and Tim’s anger is nowhere near subsiding. At the end of the meal, the chef reappears and thanks us all, and the sommelier returns with rocks glasses and pours us all a cognac. Tim grabs his glass and is the first to get up. He walks over to Em and gives her a kiss on her head.
‘I need air. Caleb, you coming?’
He doesn’t need air at all; the air in the room is just fine. Jack also gets up. ‘I’ll join you guys.’
‘I might just chill out here with Ariella…’ I start.
‘It’s okay. I’m going to catch up with Chef.’
Ariella heads towards the kitchen. Of course she is. Shit. I get up with my glass and lead the way to the terrace. Jack quickly shuts the sliding door behind me and turns to lean against it.