Page 109 of Roommates

‘I’m thinking I might take it slow. Maybe get to know her?’

Ariella lowers her glass and blinks twice. Come on, say something catty.

‘Good for you, Caleb.’

She raises her glass again and I meet it this time. I secretly clink to Piers choking on the bread basket and no one knowing the Heimlich manoeuvre.



I leave the house feeling confident. Piers and I got to know each other a little on the flight and he’s been sending me little funny memes and jokes over email since we returned. He’s lovely when we meet in the bar of the restaurant. We get along so well that we push our dinner reservation back twice, because we are having such a good time with the cocktail menu. He is gracious and sweet, with bright eyes and an easy smile.

We’ve been honest with each other, so he knows dinner could easily end in a big, fat nothing. Thankfully he’s confessed that he has a proper date tomorrow as well.

As the evening carries on, I grow convinced that I could kiss him. I definitely am not ‘getting under’ him, but kissing I could do. I mentally schedule it for after dinner, outside the restaurant, before I catch a car home.

‘You keep looking at my mouth,’ he teases. ‘Want to tell me what’s on your mind?’

‘Sorry. Am I?’

‘It’s okay, I like you. In fact, I have a bit of a confession.’ He looks a bit embarrassed.

‘What’s that?’

‘I cancelled my date tomorrow. I think we have a connection, and maybe if we see how…’

The ringing in my ears starts and everything becomes muffled. I watch the waiter silently serve our starters. This. Is. Not. The. Plan.

‘Ariella?’ Piers interrupts my internal meltdown.

Just breathe, Aari. ‘Sorry, Piers. Why aren’t you going on your date?’

‘You sound like you want me to.’

‘It’s your choice, but we agreed this isn’t a date…’

‘Don’t worry about that for now.’

He reaches across the table for my hand. I pull it away too quickly. We both notice.

‘I’m sorry.’ I look at my lap.

‘Hey, it’s fine. You told me on the flight you don’t always like being touched, remember? Why don’t we have dinner and you can go back to staring at my mouth while we pretend I’m going on my date tomorrow?’

I barely taste my food after that. Piers tries, he really does, but it is too late. I have to accept that I am just broken. This was a stupid idea.

‘I’ve lost you again.’ Piers smiles his dashing smile.


‘Want to tell me what’s on your mind?’

‘I’m still in love with my ex-boyfriend.’ There. I said it.

‘I could’ve told you that ten minutes into the flight. We all have baggage. Truthfully, this “dinner” is Phase One of my master plan to sweep you off your feet. Let’s just enjoy tonight, maybe have a cheeky kiss after and see how you feel about a Phase Two?’

Did he just ask for a kiss? Is he expecting one? If it had been anyone else, I would have politely declined, but this is Piers. I work with him. Whatever happens, I am going to have to see him every day at work. If this ends badly, HR might get involved. This is a nightmare. I feel my chest tighten with panic as our main course turns up. Dessert is next. He wants his kiss after that.