Page 110 of Roommates

When I excuse myself, I plan to collect myself in the bathroom to get through the rest of the dinner. Instead, I stop at reception, anticipate what the meal will cost plus service, pay the bill and hop into a passing taxi. I am not proud of myself. I am still considering going back to the restaurant to apologise as I let myself into the empty apartment. Relieved Caleb is still out, I strip off, jump into the shower and stand motionless under the spray, allowing it to wash away the anxiety.

I feel better after a good scrub down, and put on a vest, underwear and a head towel. I hesitantly check my phone. Nine missed calls and text alerts fill the screen. Crumbs. I want a gin and tonic. Actually, I am going to have two. I pull my bathrobe on just in case Caleb comes tumbling in. Wherever he is, I know he is having an awesome time.

I put on some music and am filling two glasses with crushed ice in the dark when Caleb pops his head out of his bedroom door, giving me a fright.

‘Sorry,’ I whisper. I’ve obviously interrupted something. I turn the music down.

He looks confused.

‘Why are you creeping around in the dark, whispering?’ he asks loudly. Realisation takes over his face as he points to the two glasses on the side.

‘No!’ he also whispers. ‘You brought Piers back home?’

He looks hilarious, jabbing his finger towards my room in exaggerated shock, with wide eyes and high eyebrows.

‘No!’ I chuckle quietly, shooing him back into his room. I’m not going to burden him with my rubbish while he has company.

‘Then why are we whispering and pointing at each other’s rooms for no reason?’ he asks, joining me in the kitchen. ‘How did it go? I had high hopes. You were out quite late for once.’ He sits at the bar and helps himself to one of my drinks. Typical.

‘He was lovely, but I did something really awful…’ I cringe.

‘What did you do, Ariella?’

‘I was going to pee…but I sort of hopped in a black cab to come home after paying for dinner?’

‘You didn’t.’

‘I did, a little bit. I feel awful, but I don’t know what happened. I was feeling quite positive, then he asked for a kiss and I panicked. I didn’t know how to say no. Then I started thinking – why should I have to kiss someone? I should kiss someone because I want to.’

‘Well done, Ariella,’ he says, mimicking my mother’s voice.

‘Is that supposed to be my mom?’ I laugh. He is such a twit.

‘Good, isn’t it?’

‘Don’t quit Ivory Bow just yet. That reminds me – are you coming to Sunday lunch? Mommy called to check.’

‘Of course!’

‘What happened to your date? I half-expected to return to find an obscure item of clothing hanging off the speakers. Is the Nicole effect still active?’ I take a sip of my drink and point my free little finger at his crotch.

‘Of course not. I wouldn’t have told you if I knew you were going to start paying close attention. She was nice, but my head was elsewhere, so we called it a night after a couple of drinks.’

‘You need to get over it quickly; people might start talking.’ I try not to smile. He looks like a lost puppy.

‘They already are. It’s been six weeks…’

‘Six weeks?You only broke up a week ago. You were stringing her along for five weeks?’

‘She did keep sending me…let’s call them provocative selfies for a while.’

‘You do like daring and challenging women…’

‘Not always.’

‘Always! You see a danger sign and can’t help going for it.’

‘Thatistrue. You girls like the excitement though.’