Page 108 of Roommates

Empty the dishwasher. I’m easy pickings. Are you trying to get some action or tell her you like her?


Try telling her you like her first and maybe some action might happen in a couple of months.

I have to wait that long???

You were right. She’s out of your league. You don’t deserve her.

Fine. So I cook and just make it all nice. How do I tell her?

I think I might be attracted to you but I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just thought I’d put it out there and be honest. If you don’t, it’s okay, I’ll deal with it, but if you do, maybe we could go out on a date sometime?

I just threw up.

I just stopped giving you advice. You’re on your own.



Em’s plan seems a bit dated, but Ariella is hardly up with the times. I ditch the candles, flowers and all that nonsense. I am just going to cook on Saturday night, after we’ve delivered to the shelter. I just need to make sure she isn’t going home, and figure out what to say if it all goes wrong.

I ask as soon as we sit down to eat on Thursday, before I lose my nerve.

‘What are you up to on Saturday night?’

‘Just the shelter run, as usual. Why?’

‘You’re not going home?’

‘Only Sunday lunch – I think you’re invited actually.’

‘Cool.’ I might delay my RSVP, just in case Saturday is a disaster. ‘So no plans for Saturday night then?’

‘No…actually, wait. Excuse me.’

I like the way she excuses herself to check her phone at dinner.

‘Nope. Piers is definitely tomorrow night.’

Piers? She kept that quiet! ‘Piers?’ I try to keep my voice even.

‘Piers from work. We sat together on the plane out to Zambia, we couldn’t have dinner in Lusaka so we made dinner plans for this Friday. I think I like him, so there might be that kiss we talked about.’

Why is she taking my advice now?

‘That’s great.’ Yeah. Really bloody great, Ariella.

‘Do you need the flat on Saturday night? You going to try to break the Nicole curse?’ She looks too invested and excited for me. There is no way I am having this conversation.

‘I might; I have a date on Friday, too.’ Be jealous. Come on.

‘You have a date?’ She’s excited.

‘Oh yeah. With a lovely girl I’ve been chatting with on the app.’ Too much, Caleb.

‘That’s amazing. We can have a Saturday-morning debrief after she’s left. Curse be gone!’ Ariella raises her glass.