Page 93 of Race or Ruin

“So is he as good in bed as he appears to be?” Calliope leaned forward and asked.

“Woman, I haven’t left the room yet.” Jackson walked back from the bar where he was getting himself a beer to take outside. Hearing his wife asking questions about Race had him detouring back to the table. He leaned down in her space and said, “What have I told you about asking about the other brothers’ sex lives or dick size?”

Her smile stretched wide. “Get details?”

Jackson busted a gut. “No,” he laughed. “That’s not what I said. Looks like I’ll have to remind you later.”

“Looking forward to the refresher,” she teased before his mouth settled over hers. The kiss was so steamy, Bellamy felt like she should look away or risk embarrassing herself. Thankfully, Jackson ended the kiss, winked at his wife and walked away to join the other men.

“Wow. I think I just had an orgasm from a kiss.” Calliope’s breathless confession had the rest of them laughing.

Calliope cleared her throat and sat up straighter. “Anyway. Are you excited about your wedding next weekend, Lindsey?”

Trick and Lindsey were tying the knot next weekend and using spring break for the honeymoon. This worked out well considering she was a third-grade teacher and wouldn’t have to take any additional time off. Originally, they’d thought to have a June wedding, but then she’d gotten pregnant and she’d wanted to move up the date. Naturally, Trick was all for it. As long as he got her down the aisle and gave her his last name before the baby got here, he’d marry her anywhere, anytime.

“Yes. I’m so excited.” Lindsey’s smile was beautiful. Bellamy thought she was going to be stunning bride and couldn’t wait to watch her and Trick exchange their vows.

“Where are the kids staying while you guys are on your honeymoon?” she asked.

“Trick is going to let them stay with their mother,” Lindsey told them.

“Really?” Calliope was surprised by her answer.

“Yes. She’s come a long way. Trick says she’s almost like when she first became a mom. She’s happy and excited to see the kids,” Lindsey filled them in.

“Is he giving her routine visiting times?” Calliope asked.

“Not yet. But it’s getting better. He told her this was a trial run. He was going to let the kids go home with her after the wedding and stay during spring break. He warned her that if her sister came anywhere near Reagan or Keegan, she’d never get to see the kids again. As far as we can tell, she’s cut Patty out of her life.”

“That sounds like the right thing to do given that her sister had a huge hand in setting her down the wrong path that led to her losing her children,” Calliope commented.

“I know. She’s so much better off without her. As an extra safety measure, Trick told her that his mom and Owen would be checking in with her to see if she needed anything.”

“How did she take the news that his family would be spying on her?” Bellamy asked.

“She was fine with it. She understood.”

Bellamy was glad that Trick’s ex understood how deeply she’d cut the family when she’d opted to live her life like a single woman with no children. From what she’d heard, Michelle had resented getting pregnant so young and the fact that she was “stuck at home” with her kids while Trick lived his biker life. From what Lindsey said, Michelle had made his life a living hell for the last several years. She’d been bitter and mean and used the kids against him at every turn. She was happy to hear that Michelle had turned her life around and was doing what it took to be the mom she needed to be for her kids.

“She even said she’d take a urine test to prove her sobriety if it made Trick feel better. Of course, he is going to take her up on it,” Lindsey continued. “He doesn’t think I know, but he’ll have his club brothers do random drive-bys to be on the safe side.”

Bellamy hated that Michelle had burned Trick so badly. She had to wonder how long she would jump through hoops before they started wearing on her. Would she say fuck it and start drinking again or would she simply go off on Trick and tell him to back off and trust her?

“I’m glad the kids will get to spend time with their mom. Hopefully, this will show Trick she’s truly trustworthy,” Calliope said.

There was a momentary lull in conversation before Bellamy asked Calliope, “How was your last doctor visit?”

“Great. Everything is on track. Still looking at an April 20th due date.” She rubbed her baby belly absently.

“I bet Ryker is excited it won’t be much longer now.” Bellamy imagined Jackson’s son would love being an older brother to a little sister.

The couple had found out the sex of the baby as soon as they were able, but refused to tell anyone the name they’d picked out. They wanted to wait until their little girl arrived before letting anyone know. It was kind of exciting to know the sex because it made shopping for the baby so much easier, but not knowing the name it was still like waiting to open a present, not knowing what was inside.

“He’s so excited. He can’t wait to be a big brother. He was a little disappointed he wasn’t getting a brother but when Jackson told him he’d get to beat up boys trying to mess with his sister, he perked right up.”

“Oh, good grief.” Lindsey laughed.

“Imagine that. A little Sons of Redemption in training.” Bellamy chuckled.