Page 94 of Race or Ruin

“Speaking of Sons of Redemption in training, how did Race’s ex, Eve, take the news that Derrick wanted to prospect after graduation next year?” Calliope asked.

“Race said she wasn’t surprised, she’d been expecting it. Her husband’s parents were the only ones who had a problem with it. They said they couldn’t believe a young man with his whole future ahead of him would settle for a life that wasn’t much better than that of a criminal instead of going to school for a career that could give him everything he ever dreamed about,” Bellamy explained. After she heard Derrick tell his dad that, she’d been pissed on Race and Derrick’s behalf. What uppity rich assholes.

“She didn’t say that to Derrick, did she?” Lindsey frowned, clearly not happy with the step-grandparents.

“Yes. He politely told her all he ever wanted was to be a part of a brotherhood that was closer than blood. He didn’t care if he was rich and able to buy fancy cars and houses. All he wanted was to have a family and the ability to lay his head on his pillow at night knowing he had a clear conscious and could wake up each morning, look in the mirror and like the man he saw.”

“Wow. That was truly amazing. He’s such a mature young man.” Calliope’s hand settled over her heart, touched by the wisdom of a seventeen-year-old boy.

Bellamy had thought so, too. She’d asked Race one night if he ever lost sleep or felt guilty when he took a man’s life. He replied by saying, “Fuck no.” He went on to explain that if a man was stupid enough to force his hand by endangering his family or his club, he got what he deserved. It wasn’t like he enjoyed killing anyone and he didn’t go looking for people to kill. He wouldn’t, however, back down if the fight was brought to him.

She completely understood what he was saying. It was very similar to her brother, Preacher’s, philosophy.

She was also grateful he was the kind of man who would do what needed to be done and then not let it eat away at him.

Most people might think her way of thinking was messed up, but she’d take a badass biker willing to put it all on the line when it counted most over a man who easily backed down from a fight out of self-preservation.

Lindsey once again turned the conversation. “Bellamy, have you and Race set a date?”

“No. Not yet. We’ve talked about different dates but can’t agree on one. He’s threatening to haul my ass to Vegas if it isn’t soon. He wants me to have his name before we pop out any kids.”

“That’s what Trick said about us!” Lindsey laughed.

“Are you?” Calliope asked.

“Am I pregnant? Not yet, but it’s been fun practicing.” She wiggled her brows up and down, smiling from ear to ear.

* * *

Race wasoutside with the guys standing around the fire pit Lance had gotten started so Bellamy could have her s’mores. He inwardly chuckled as he recalled her calling him out on who liked them more. She’d been right. She did like the toasted marshmallows and Race liked the s’mores. He loved that she wasn’t afraid to call him on his shit and he really loved how playful she could get when he was teasing her.

He looked around the fire, studying the men of his club. They all stood with a beer held loosely in one hand, carrying on different conversations. He was proud and honored to call these men brothers. He couldn’t imagine his life any other way.

They’d all seen some good times and they’d seen some bad times. But through it all, they held tight to what mattered most and got through it all. He had a horrible feeling this shit with the Phantom Furies MC was just gearing up. They’d lived a more violent life in the past and had managed to pull themselves into a position where violence wasn’t a constant in their lives. They’d never be a “clean” club but they’d managed to get themselves clean enough that they owned businesses and weren’t at the mercy of others to dictate their futures any longer.

Over the last couple of weeks they’d gotten glimpses of the Phantom Furies touring through town, but so far, they’d managed to elude them. All they needed was to getoneof those motherfuckers and maybe they could start sorting this shit out. With his future with Bellamy looking so bright, the last thing he wanted was another club making their lives hell. He wanted his family and club safe and free of danger. He kept thinking it was eventually going to happen, but so far he’d been proven wrong.

“So Bellamy owns your dick?” The sound of Maverick’s voice coming from his left brought him back to what was going on in front of him.

“Fuck yeah she does.” And he wasn’t the least bit embarrassed to admit it. She fucking owned him—cock, body, heart and soul. He’d thought he felt this deeply for Eve when they were married, but what he felt for Bellamy went so much deeper it almost scared the hell out of him. If something were to happen to her, he’d fucking crawl into a hole right next to her.

“Are you guys getting hitched soon?” Jed asked from across the fire.

“As soon as I can get her to agree on a date. She wants almost a year to plan it. I want her knocked up and carrying my kid in the next couple of months. I’ve been threatening to fly her ass to Vegas and get it done.” The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of eloping. They could go get married, then come back and have a blow out party to celebrate.

“Does she want kids?” Tuck asked.

“Yeah. At least two.” Seeing how these two went, he might let her convince him into another. He’d have to wait and see how it went.

“You’re really gonna start all over?” Dagger’s brows were in his hairline. “You’ve almost got two out of the house. Hell, you will have two out of the house by the time she carries the baby and it starts Kindergarten.”

“Dagger, just because you can’t wait for your kids to all leave the nest, doesn’t mean Race is in a fucking hurry,” Maverick spoke up.

“Thanks, Mav.” He tipped his beer toward Maverick, then turned his attention to Dagger. “Yeah, I want more kids.” The thought of Bellamy’s belly swelling with his children was something he couldn’t wait to see. “I missed out on a lot of Derrick, Liza and Shannon’s early years because we were constantly at the cartel’s beck and call. By the time we finally got ourselves clear of them, I’d missed out on a lot more than I wish I would have.”

“Well, gotta say, she’ll make one helluva mom.” Jackson looked around the fire. “You should’ve seen the way she protected Liza. And she was fucking badass when she took that guy out. She’s going to make a fine old lady to our pres.” He raised his beer to honor Race’s woman.

Race tipped his bottle and nodded his head in Jackson’s direction in appreciation.