Page 91 of Race or Ruin

The soundof his phone ringing woke Race from a much needed sleep. He glanced at the nightstand to check the time and saw that he’d only been asleep for an hour. After he’d gotten home from church, he and Bellamy had enjoyed a hot relaxing soak in the tub where washing Bellamy’s back quickly escalated into water splashing out of the tub in big waves and soaking the bathroom floor as he gave her his cock. Then they’d worked together to finish fixing dinner. They’d enjoyed their meal in front of the television before heading off to bed. Instead of immediately sleeping, he’d made love to his woman, proposed and given her his ring, then celebrated with another round of fucking. After that, they’d collapsed to the bed in mutual exhaustion.

Picking up his phone, he saw it was Preacher. “What?” he rumbled.

“Outside. Back deck.”

Race grunted as the line disconnected. He glanced down to make sure Bellamy was still sleeping then gently extricated himself and rolled from the bed. Fuck, the sight of Bellamy sleeping in his bed, her face soft in the shadows, her hair spread out over his pillow would never get old. He’d fucked her so thoroughly, she’d passed out and hadn’t moved since. He pulled on his jeans commando style and snatched a flannel shirt off the floor. He shrugged the shirt on, not bothering with buttoning it up. He didn’t plan on being away from her and their bed that long. Slipping from the bedroom, he closed the door quietly behind him, hoping Preacher’s late night visit didn’t disturb her.

At the back door, he pulled the curtain back enough to find Preacher standing in the cold, his hands shoved in his pockets, his shoulders hunched against the cold wind. He waited a beat too long and heard the man say through the door, “Are you going to be a dick or are you going to let me in?”

Race smirked and let the curtain fall back in place before he unlocked the door and pulled it open. He walked away knowing Preacher would follow. He flipped the light on above the sink and turned to face Bellamy’s brother.

“Is there a reason you’re pulling me from my warm bed and your completely sated and exhausted sister?” He didn’t miss the slight lip curl at the visual he no doubt got at Race’s words. He decided right then and there that fucking with Preacher could very well be his new favorite past time.

“Just left the hospital.”

“Kind of late for the hospital to allow visitors.” Race was surprised they’d let Preacher in to see Martha.

“I have my ways,” Preacher commented but added nothing further to explain. “I was in Lost Junction dealing with an issue. I sent Levi back a few days ago so I could be here for my grandmother, but today’s issue had to be dealt with by me personally. I got back late tonight and wanted to see Grandma Martha. One of the night nurses snuck me in. She told me they’re releasing Grandma Martha tomorrow.”

“I’m glad to hear she’s doing so well. It’ll make Bellamy happy to have her grandmother home again.” Race crossed his arms over his chest and his legs at the ankles as he leaned back against the sink. “Does that mean you’re headed home soon?”

“Trying to run me off, are you?” Preacher leaned a hip against the refrigerator, crossing his arms in a similar fashion.

Race smirked. “No. Just know that Bellamy has enjoyed spending so much time with you. She says it’s a rare thing.”

“And whatever makes Bellamy happy, makes you happy?” Preacher smiled, liking that he had a way to give Race shit, too.

Of course, whatever made Bellamy happy, did make him happy, even if it meant having to spend more time with Preacher.

Preacher’s smile dropped as he got serious. “How’s your daughter doing?”

“Good. She’s back with her mom. Eve says no problems that she can see. From what Liza told me Bellamy took good care of her. Protected her and watched out for her. Even said Bellamy tried to talk Charlotte into getting Liza to me before everything went down.”

Preacher’s mouth hitched up on one side. “Yeah. Bellamy’s always been a mother hen. I swear at times when we were younger, she was more grown up than Grandma Martha. How’s Bella doing?”

“She’s good. No nightmares, but she gets restless sometimes. I do what I have to to take care of her so she can get back to sleep.”

Preacher grunted. “Like making sure she’s sated and exhausted.” He visibly shivered as he said the last.

Race chuckled. Yeah, fucking with Preacher was going to be fun.

The other man’s expression grew serious again. “What are your plans with my sister?”

Race didn’t pretend to misunderstand him. “If this is you asking what my intentions toward your sister are, then you should know she’s agreed to be my old lady and I put a ring on her finger a couple of hours ago. I plan on marrying her.”

“You know she wants children?” Preacher pushed.

“Yes. We’ve discussed it and as soon as I can get her pregnant, we’ll start on those kids she wants.”

“You don’t feel you’re too old to be starting over?” Preacher asked.

“Fuck no, I’m not too old, you asshole. I’m looking forward to having babies with Bellamy. She’ll be one hell of a mom and a fucking badass old lady.” Race’s arms dropped so that he was bracing his weight on his hands at the counter behind him. “You got a problem with Bellamy being with a biker?”

Preacher scoffed. “Fuck no. All I ever wanted for her was someone who would love her for the treasure she is and would move heaven and Earth to keep her safe.”

“Race?” The sound of Bellamy’s sleepy voice floating down the hall drew both men’s attention.

“In the kitchen. Your brother is here so you better be dressed,” he tossed back at her. Again, Preacher frowned at the thought of seeing his sister naked. Race didn’t try to hide his smile this time. He was having fun messing with Bellamy’s brother.