Page 92 of Race or Ruin

Bellamy entered the kitchen, her messy bun on top of her head slipping off to the left a little. She wore one of his tees again and was rubbing her eyes. She yawned huge as she went to Preacher and kissed his cheek. “Isaac.” She then continued on until she slipped under Race’s arm and snuggled into his side with her arms wrapped around his middle and her head lying on his chest. “What are you doing here at this hour?”

“Just came by to see Race for a minute. Didn’t mean to wake you.” The love he felt for his sister shined in his eyes and his affectionate smile. “But, since you’re up, Grandma Martha’s coming home tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s good news! Let me know when they’re releasing her and I’ll leave work to meet you at the hospital.” Bellamy covered her yawn with her hand.

Race tipped his head down and grinned at his sleepy woman. “Baby, why don’t you go back to bed? I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Okay. Sounds good.” She tipped her head back and accepted the kiss he dropped on her lips. She patted his chest and walked toward Preacher. “Night, big brother. Love you.” She patted his arm and would have moved on, but he latched onto her hand and pulled her back to give her a hug and kissed the top of her head.

“Night, Bella.”

Race waited until Preacher’s attention came back to him. “Was there anything else you needed before I head back to bed with your sister?”

“You’re going to do that every chance you get, aren’t you?” Preacher’s eyes squinted at him.

“Do what?” Race tried not to smile.

“Make little comments about how you’re doing my sister.”

“Not all the time. Just when it’s funny.”

Preacher walked toward him, his hand extended. “Despite having to hear your semi sexual references regarding my sister, I’m happy she has you. Don’t bother telling anyone I said that because I will deny it until my dying breath.” His pretend grouchiness didn’t fool Race. Preacher wouldn’t have liked just anyone with his baby sister.

Race accepted his handshake then let Preacher out the back door. He watched him fade into the darkness then locked the door and turned out the light. Finally, he could climb back in bed with his woman.


“Oh my God! That is such a beautiful ring!” Lindsey held Bellamy’s hand close to her face, admiring the one carat round cut diamond engagement ring Race had given her. She had to admit, it was rather breathtaking.

“Wow, girl, once you make up your mind you’re going to go for it, you don’t waste any time,” Calliope teased from her side.

“It wasn’t me that moved so quickly. It was Race. I thought he hated me considering he never spoke to me and didn’t hesitate to flaunt other women in my face. I mean one of them showed up onmydoorstep to collect him.”

“Woman, I already told you,” Race, having heard their conversation from his seat at the table next to theirs, felt he needed to defend himself. “At the time I was still in denial about whether or not I felt anything for you.”

Bellamy turned in her chair so that she could better face him. “And did bringing that psycho bitch to your bed and in my face help you see the light?” Her sugar-coated smile had him squirming in his seat.

“That was a complete fuck up and I won’t be apologizing for it for the next fifty years. Besides, isn’t my ring on your finger?”

“Yes.” She fought not to smile, knowing she was getting him riled up. If she kept poking the bear he might just feel compelled to prove to her how much he loved her.

“Isn’t it you who owns my dick?”

“Yes.” Her heart tripped and her panties grew wet at his words. Her nipples had hardened and her teeth sank into her lip. Oooh. Now he was playing dirty.

“And isn’t it me, at my direction,” he waved two fingers toward Lance behind the bar. “That’s going to get a fire going out back so you can have your s’mores?”

She lost the battle of trying not to laugh at his outrageous language in front of the other ladies. The brothers were used to his shenanigans and were enjoying his antics.

“Yes. Although I like toasted marshmallows. You’re the one who likes s’mores.”

Race got up and moved closer to Bellamy. The rest of the guys headed outside. All except the married brothers. Like Race, they were zeroing in on their women and bestowing toe-curling kisses on them. Too quickly he pulled away. “I’ll see you outside in a few.”

Bellamy sighed heavily, watching him drift away. Her eyes never left his retreating form until he disappeared around the corner.

“Holy smokes. The heat coming off you two,” Calliope didn’t finish her thought as she fanned herself with her hand.

“I know, right,” Lindsey agreed. “At this rate he’ll have her knocked up in no time. And all it’ll take is one of those smoldering looks to get her going.”