Page 61 of Race or Ruin

“That’s Patty. Trick’s ex-wife’s sister who caused all kinds of trouble with the kids.”

Race jerked his chin up, recognition finally clicking. He wasn’t sure what Patty was saying to Lindsey, but it was sure pissing off Bellamy. He noticed her hands forming into fists at her sides. In a moment too late, it registered what was going to happen. “Oh shit!” Before he could take off through the crowd, Bellamy had punched Patty in the face, knocking her to the ground, giving the room a very bad view of Patty’s bare pussy. Not that the woman would mind.

Another woman, presumably there with Patty, jumped into the argument and thought to punch Bellamy. Expecting the swing, Bellamy ducked, then came back up with an upper cut, knocking that woman on the ground next to Patty. He was shoving and charging through the crowd, the brothers hot on his heels, except for Jackson who was busy keeping Calliope as far away from the action as possible.

Two men stepped over to Lindsey and Bellamy, standing a good six inches taller than them. Their heads bent, they were yelling in Bellamy’s face. One was stupid enough to reach for her arm and shake her, causing Race to see red. He burst through the other side and immediately charged at the man who dared to lay a hand on his woman.

“Back the fuck off before you take on more than you can handle.” Race shoved himself between the man and Bellamy, shoving him hard in the chest. The man didn’t appear to appreciate Race’s high handedness and shoved back. That pissed Race off so he did what Bellamy had done and threw a punch.

Darren and Chris jumped in the fray, instructing Lance to get Lindsey to the other side. They held the two men off while Race put his shoulder to Bellamy’s stomach and tossed her over his shoulder. “Get the fuck out of the way!” he yelled at anyone unfortunate enough to get in his path. By this time Patty and her friend were gaining their feet and were in hot pursuit.

“They’re coming!” he heard her yell over his shoulder.

A third man, who must be with the fuckers he was trying to get away from, tried to block his path.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he growled, puffing up his chest like he was a badass.

“I think I’m taking my woman and leaving. You got a problem with that?” Race growled back.

“I don’t think so.” The man acted as though he were going to stop Race. He wasn’t having any of it. He shot a fist into the asshole’s face, then turned quickly behind him when he heard Bellamy scream, followed immediately by breaking glass. He saw one of the men lying passed out on the floor, Patty and her friends staring at him with their mouths hanging open.

Looking back toward where Bellamy hung over his shoulder, he saw she had the glass handle to the mug she’d just used to knock the man out. A slow smiled started to spread across his face until the other man decided he’d had enough and he was coming for Race.

For as long as he lived he would never forget what Bellamy did next. She grabbed another mug of beer off a passing tray, hit some random guy with it, then pointed wildly at the man advancing on them. After that all hell broke loose and Race didn’t stick around to see how it all played out. He latched onto Bellamy’s legs tightly and hauled ass for the door.

As soon as he had her strapped into his truck, he could see she was already crashing. By the time he rounded the front end and climbed inside she was out. He shook his head, unsure of what exactly happened in the bar.

A knock on his window had him rolling it down.

“Jackson is heading home with Calliope. Lance and Chris are taking Lindsey and her friends home. You need anything from me?” Darren asked. One side of his mouth kicked up as he looked at Bellamy. “Never saw that coming.”

Race chuckled. “Me neither. Get out of here before the cops start showing up.”

Darren gave him a chin lift and wandered off.

A feeling of contentment settled over him as he drove toward his house with Bellamy in his truck. Knowing she was safe and sound meant the world to him.

He pulled his truck into the garage, went around to get Bellamy and tossed her back over his shoulder. As he reached the door into his kitchen, he could hear her giggling.

“What’s so funny?”

“Seeing the expression on your face when I decked that loud mouth bitch giving Lindsey shit.”

He laughed. She had him there. He bet his face was quite comical when he saw what she did. He made it through the kitchen and the living room and was heading down the hall to his bedroom. Bellamy was having a fit of the giggles which drew his kids out of their bedrooms. He imagined he and Bellamy were quite the sight considering she was hanging over his shoulder.

“Is that Bellamy?” Liza chuckled behind her hand. She and Shannon stood in the doorway to the room they shared together. Both of them appeared shocked to see her drunk off her ass.

“Yes, it is and she’s going to bed now. Say goodnight to the kids, Bellamy.” He turned so that they could get a better look at her. She propped herself up with her hands on his butt and said, “Goodnight, everyone!” He could hear the laughter in her voice and wished he could get a picture of her right now. In the morning, when she learned that his kids had witnessed her in such a state, she was going to be mortified. He could care less. He thought it was adorable.

His kids all tried not to openly laugh in Bellamy’s face, but he could tell that they were having a hard time of it. “Goodnight, guys. See you in the morning.”

He closed his bedroom door behind him, then made his way to the nightstand and flicked the lamp on. He eased Bellamy down so that she was sitting at the side of the bed. She swayed a little to the side and his arm jutted out quickly to set her back up. “Hang on, babe. Let’s get you undressed before you pass out.”


Well that was unexpected. He thought she’d argue with him first. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, he dropped to his knees and pulled her cowboy boots off, tossing them away from the bed. Next went her socks. She had sexy feet with a deep plum nail polish on her toes. And one even had a ring on it.

Taking to his feet again, he pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it toward her boots. He should probably hang it up or something so he didn’t get schooled on how to take care of women’s clothes in the morning, but he didn’t care. She could chew him out if she wanted. He reached behind her and unfastened her bra. He pulled the straps down her shoulders, revealing the most perfect, plump tits. They’d starred in many of his dreams and many waking hours for that matter.