Page 60 of Race or Ruin

“What’s wrong, Dad?” Shannon asked.

“Bellamy needs a ride. I’m going to get her. You guys good here for a little bit?” he asked while shoving his feet into his boots.

“Of course. We’re not babies.” Race would have laughed at Shannon’s indignant expression if he wasn’t in such a hurry.

Race shoved his phone in his pocket, grabbed his keys and headed for his truck. With the roads clear, it would have been quicker, if not colder, to pick her up on his bike. As drunk as she appeared to be, he didn’t think Bellamy would be able to hold on long enough to get home.

His phone continued to ding a few more times, but he couldn’t check it. His complete focus was getting to Bellamy as fast as possible before she was tempted to do something they’d both regret. Was he being hypocritical because he didn’t want her to fuck another man given how many women he’d been with? Definitely and he didn’t give a rat’s ass.

Had he looked at his phone, he’d have seen his brothers having a laugh at his expense.

Shit. Guy on Bellamy- Lance

10 mins- Jackson

10 mins?- Lance

10 mins until Race comes busting in here. - Darren

You think?- Chris

Count on it. - Jackson

The guys stood down at the edge of the dance floor, clearly unhappy having to stand back and watch another man paw at a woman Race considered his own. They hovered near the edge, debating on how bad it would be if they started a fight trying to get the shithead off Bellamy. They all sighed with relief when they saw Race arrive.

“What the fuck?” Race growled, spying Bellamy dancing with a different man.

“The brothers wanted to kick some ass, but I thought you might want the honor yourself.” Jackson took up position beside him.

“She’s going to be pissed that I came to get her.” Race rubbed his jaw.

Jackson shrugged. “She’ll get over it. I’m ready to take my woman home and fuck her senseless.”

Jackson was right, Race thought. She’d get over it. He’d keep her in bed, fucking her until she did. He roughly pushed and shoved his way through the crowd until he was right behind Bellamy. He grabbed the asshole thinking he was going to get lucky by the shoulder and spun him around, causing Bellamy to stumble. “Hit the road.”

“What?” The man was drunk off his ass and wouldn’t put up a good enough fight for Race to waste his time.

“Get the fuck away from my woman.” He spoke loud and slowly so the moron understood what he was saying.

The man glanced down at his patch on his cut, saw that he was a Sons of Redemption and swallowed hard. His face paled as he looked behind him to see a couple of his brothers at his back. Darren had caught Bellamy by the arm when she started to stumble and continued to hold her in place. Jackson had pushed Calliope behind him, further caging the man in. Deciding no pussy was worth dying over, he fled the dance floor.

He turned his attention to Bellamy who looked ready to fight.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, her hands planted on her hips.

“Came to get you so we can have that talk you keep avoiding,” Race responded.

Standing in the middle of the dance floor, they were drawing a lot of attention. She glanced at the other women and found them staring wide-eyed at what was going down.

“Now? I’m having fun with the girls.”

“I can see that, but it’s time to go.” He reached to take her by the arm so he could guide her out of the bar.

“Fine. I need to pee first.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat. He had to hand it to her, she’d put up a good fight by avoiding him all week but now it was time to settle things once and for all.

“Hurry up. I’ll wait for you over there. Come right back.” Race pointed to the edge of the dance floor closest to the bar. If she decided to make a run for it, she’d have to get by him and his brothers. There was a back door, but bouncers kept people out of that hallway. She’d have to try and squeeze through a tiny window in the bathroom if she was that desperate to get away from him.

After ten minutes of waiting he was about to bust down the ladies’ bathroom door when he finally saw her headed his way. Lindsey had gone with her, deciding she needed to empty her bladder before the ride home. They were getting ready to cut through the dance floor when some woman stopped them. She was shouting in Lindsey’s face, throwing her arms around wildly. He frowned at Jackson.