Page 44 of Race or Ruin

He placed the tray of food he promised Bellamy on the bed. Jane, Mav’s old lady, had gotten her a hot bowl of vegetable beef soup, a sandwich, a cup of hot chocolate and a bottle of water. That should hold her over until morning. He had no idea how long she might stay in the shower enjoying the hot water and debated on what to do. He decided to get her out so she could eat while the soup was still hot.

“Bellamy?” He knocked and let himself back inside. “I’ve got you a sandwich and some soup. Jane also made you a hot chocolate.”

“Okay. I’m done. You have a towel?” She shut the shower off and rung the water out of her hair. His shower door was made of cloudy textured glass, not clear, thereby blocking her from his view. It didn’t matter, the image of her naked and sprawled out on his kitchen table was branded in his memory.

“Yeah, here.” He pulled a big fluffy towel from under his sink and handed it to her over the top of the shower door. Then thinking about it, he grabbed another one so she’d have one to wrap around her hair as well. He could make out her silhouette bending over and drying herself off and had to adjust his dick in his jeans.

Bellamy slid the door open and stepped out into the bright light. She bent at the waist and twisted her hair into the other towel. She popped up and that’s when Race got his first good look at her face without makeup. What he thought might be a small bruise under her eye was actually a fully formed black eye. He hadn’t see it before because she had either been wearing sunglasses or it had been too dark or she’d had it somewhat covered in makeup. What he was seeing now had him seeing red.

“Who the fuck hit you?” he growled. He’d been leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest until he’d seen her eye. He took a step toward her. How dare someone lay their hands on her? He didn’t know who had done this to her but once he had a name, they were going to pay.

“What?” She jumped at the tone of his voice.

“Who thefuckhit you?” he asked again.

“Oh, that would be your girlfriend. She didn’t like seeing you in my store talking to me. She warned me off once and apparently thought I was coming on to you yesterday, so she hit me to make her point.” She looked around his counter for something. “Do you have a comb?”

He stepped away and pulled out a drawer and handed her a comb.

“My girlfriend?” He didn’t know why he asked because he had a sneaking suspicion he knew who she was referring to. He leaned his hip against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest again, his full attention on Bellamy and what she was going to say.

“Charlotte.” She arched her brow and looked at him in the mirror. “You know, the woman who showed up at my house after spending the night in your bed and after you kissed me. And the woman ridingshotgunthis morning in your truck. Again, after having spent the night in your bed.”

Was she jealous?

“She’s not my fucking girlfriend,” he announced through clenched teeth. If Charlotte was a man Race would kick her ass right about now. “And I didn’t fuck her last night. She was just there when I woke up. She stole my hide-a-key and let herself inside.”

“She thinks she is and I have to say, I’ve seen her at your house more than a couple of times. I can see how she would think she was your girlfriend.” She finished running the comb through her hair, detangling it before it could dry.

“She’s just free pussy I nailed on occasion. I explained this to her today when I dropped her off at her car and demanded she give me my hide-a-key back.” He growled as he followed her back into the bedroom. Was she not listening? He said he hadn’t invited her over, that she’d let herself inside.

Her brows dipped and her lips pursed, not liking how he described Charlotte. “Wow. Do you call all the women you have sex with free pussy?”

“She is and she knows it. Every woman that comes here is here for a good time, not Happily Ever After. They come here because they want to fuck. Who are we to turn down what they’re freely offering?” He knew immediately he’d fucked up by the way her face shut down.

“Is that how you look at me now that we fucked? I’m just random free pussy?” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms, starting to shiver in her wet towel.

“No. I do not think you’re random free pussy. In fact, if any one of my brothers thinks about getting near you, I’m going to rip them a new asshole.” He went to his dresser and pulled out a long-sleeved Sons of Redemption t-shirt and a pair of boxer briefs. “Here. Put this on. You’re freezing again.” He handed her the clothes, then as an after thought, he added, “I could go see if Calliope has something in her room.”

“No. That’s okay. This will work to sleep in.” She took the clothes he offered and went back into the bathroom, closed the door and returned, dressed in his clothes. His breath caught in his chest at the sight of her in his tee. The shirt was black but he could clearly see her tight nipples pushing against the worn material. It should bother him that he liked the way she looked in his clothes a little too much, but it didn’t. It was like she had “Belongs to Race” written all over her.

He cleared his throat. “Have a seat. Eat while the soup is still warm.” He waved at the bed. He dropped into a wingback chair against the wall, his elbows dropping to his knees as he watched her devour her food. One side of his mouth kicked up at the speed with which she was inhaling her food. “Hungry?”

“Told you I was starving. I didn’t get lunch and by the time I decided to go across the street to get dinner, the power went out. All I’ve had since this morning is a granola bar.” She might be eating quickly, but she didn’t forget her manners, dabbing at her mouth to wipe away the mayo that escaped her sandwich when she took a bigger bite than he’d have thought she could manage. She twisted the top off the bottle of water and took a huge drink.

He chuckled. “I thought you’d go for the hot chocolate instead of the water.”

“That’s for last.” She must have read the confusion in his eyes. “I love chocolate. Chocolate should be savored, not gulped or inhaled.”

“Ah. Got it.” He gave her a few moments to enjoy her food before he spoke again. “Just so you know, like I said earlier, and I think you chose to ignore it, I did not invite Charlotte to my house last night. In fact, I didn’t even know she was there until you woke me up this morning and I found her in my bed.” He had absolutely no idea why he was telling her this other than somewhere deep inside himself he knew it was important that she believe him. He very rarely explained himself to anyone. It was one of the perks of being the president of an MC.

“Look, who you have in your bed is none of my business.” She finished off her soup.

“Remember I told you she stole my hide-a-key? She had someone drop her off and she let herself in my house, into my bed without my permission. For some reason you keep choosing to ignore this information.” It made him wonder exactly why that was. Could it be she had to believe he was a bad guy in order to fight her attraction to him?

He watched her closely to see if she believed what he was saying. She seemed to mull it over for a minute while she chewed her sandwich. “Do I have to worry about her showing up at my house or my business anymore to punch me in the face?”

“No. As a matter of fact, I just told Jed she is not allowed to step foot on Sons property anymore. I don’t want her anywhere near me and now that I know about this,” he waved to her black eye, “nowhere near you.”