Page 43 of Race or Ruin

“Where’s he taking her?” Calliope asked Jackson.

“The only place with a room and a bed left, babe.” Jackson tried to steer her away. Calliope frowned. “His room, babe.”

“What? No. He can bring her to our room. I’ll take care of her.”

“Uh, no, he can’t.” Jackson’s tone brooked no argument. “I’m not sharing a room with Bellamy. I have plans on fucking you,” Race didn’t get to hear the rest as he weaved his way through the throng of people.

It took him a minute, but he finally made it to his room. He got her in the door and placed her on the bed. He went back to close the door and locked it in case Jackson couldn’t keep Calliope wrangled. He dropped to his knees and got Bellamy’s short dressy boots off. Now what?

He gently shook Bellamy. “Bellamy. We need to get you undressed and in the shower. It’s the fastest way to warm you up.”

She groaned, but didn’t want to open her eyes.

“Come on. You need to help me.” He pulled her up into a sitting position and shook her. “Open your eyes.”

“Don’t want to. I’m cold,” she whined and made the most adorable pouting face Race had ever seen. And he had two daughters who knew how to pout with the best of them.

He got her coat off her, then started working on the rest of her clothes. “Up you go.” He pulled her into a standing position and helped her shimmy out of her black lace panties. Damn the woman was built perfectly. He let his eyes take in every naked inch of her. From her soft, full lips to her slim neck to her perky tight nipples to the way her hips flared to her pussy and down her long firm legs. She’d probably slap him right now if she caught the way he was ogling her. Son of bitch, his dick was killing him. He needed to get up and get her moving. He was strangling his cock in this position squatting in front of her.

“Open your eyes, sweetheart.” He caught her by the chin and gently shook her face. Her eyes immediately popped open.

“What are you doing?” she crabbed.

“Trying to get your sweet ass in the shower. You want to get in there on your own or do you want me to get in there with you?”

Her brows dipped hard. “You can’t get in there with me.”

“Why not?” he laughed. Damn, it was like dealing with a five-year-old.

“I don’t know. I can’t think right now.”

“Afraid I’ll see you naked?” he teased.

“Yes.” She rubbed at her forehead.

He’d already seen her naked once when they’d fucked on his kitchen table. It had been hard and fast, but he’d had plenty of time to enjoy her spread out before him. It was probably best that he didn’t remind her of that moment because of the way things ended between them. He’d been a complete ass and he’d rather she not be pissed off at him again if he could help it.

“Okay. Come on.” He took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom. He leaned her against the counter and reached in to turn on the water. He didn’t want it too hot, so he adjusted it until he got it the way he wanted it. He turned to find her watching him intently.

“Why are you being so nice to me? I’m supposed to be mad at you for forgetting me for three hours.” She accepted his extended hand, allowing him to guide her to the shower.

“I’m sorry I forgot you. I got caught up in things here and completely dropped the ball.” He slid the shower door closed behind her. It was all he could do not to step in under the hot spray with her. He could practically feel her wet skin sliding against his own.

Bellamy stepped under the hot water and moaned. “Oh God, this feels so good. I don’t ever want to come out of here.” She let the hot water sluice down her body as she turned in slow circles and got her hair wet.

He cleared his throat and asked, “Are you hungry?”

“I’m starved.”

“I’ll go see what I can round up for you if you think you’re going to be okay in here by yourself.”

“I’m fine. This feels so good I’ll probably still be here when you get back.”

Race left his bathroom and closed the door behind him. He roughly ran a hand over his face. “Fuck me.” He was dying to sink his cock into her wet pussy. He wanted to ride her hard until they were both satisfied and exhausted. Instead of doing what he wanted to do, he set about doing what he needed to do. Namely, go find something for Bellamy to eat.


Race made it back to his room to find Bellamy still in the shower. He still couldn’t believe he’d got her undressed and in his shower without her raising holy hell. He honestly thought she’d cuss him out and kick him out of his own room. Maybe she was being serious when she said she couldn’t think clearly at the moment.