Page 42 of Race or Ruin

“Bellamy, can you open your eyes? I need you to look at me.” Race cupped her cheek and turned her face toward him.

It was slow but she got her eyes open.

“I’m mad at you.”

Race chuckled. “I’m sure you are. I’m mad at me, too.”

“I’m mad at him, too,” Jed piped up.

“What time is it?” Bellamy asked.

“Eight o’clock,” Jed told her.

Bellamy scowled at Race. “You forgot me for three hours?”

“I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t matter, but I got wrapped up in getting everything set up at the clubhouse.” Race brushed her hair out of her face.

“And I’m mad that you keep throwing Charlotte in my face.” Bellamy was shivering on his lap, her eyes drifting closed. There was no way that Bellamy would be saying what she was saying if she was in her right mind. The cold had frozen her filter. He needed to get her in the shower and try to warm her up. Maybe get her a shot of whisky or a bowl of vegetable soup.

She snuggled deeper into his lap, burying her nose in his neck. It was freezing against his skin. If she didn’t quit wiggling around, he wasn’t going to be able to control his dick. He clenched his eyes closed and counted to ten. Glancing down, he could see her eyes closed again, completely oblivious to the torture she was putting him through.

“Uh, what’s this about throwing Charlotte in her face?” Jed asked as he made a right onto the road that would lead to their destination.

“Well, there was the time when I was working on Bellamy’s hot water heater and Charlotte showed up on her doorstep looking for me, saying she was ready to go home.”

Jed’s jaw dropped. “Why did she show up on Bellamy’s door step? How did she know where she lived?”

“She ended up still being in my bed the next morning after we fucked. She was supposed to be gone before daylight, but she conveniently didn’t have a ride. She’d gotten dropped off.”

“Was there another time you threw Charlotte in her face?” Jed smiled, completely enjoying Race’s stupidity.

“Yeah. This morning. Bellamy woke me up needing a ride to work because her car wouldn’t start. When I went to get out of bed Charlotte was lying there. I had no clue how she’d gotten there.”

“You didn’t bring her home?”

“No. I’ve actually been trying to avoid her. She’s gotten too clingy, thinking she owns my dick.” Race held Bellamy tighter when Jed made the turn onto the compound parking lot and slid within mere inches of the gate.

“Try not to wreck my truck.”

Jed moved ahead slowly, parking in the spot he’d been in before. “So how did she end up in your bed last night?”

“She had my fucking hide-a-key. All this time I thought my kids had lost it.” Jed stopped the truck, but kept the motor running. “She apparently let herself in last night like she lives there. And of course, someone dropped her off and she needed a ride. I didn’t realize what a bad idea it was to have her and Bellamy in my truck at the same time until it was too late.” He adjusted the blanket over Bellamy’s shoulders.

“Oh, yeah?” Jed smiled at Race’s mistake.

“I had to stop for gas and Charlotte needed to use the bathroom. Then Bellamy said she was going to get a cup of coffee and jumped out and followed her inside. Bellamy came back first and got in the truck. When Charlotte came back out, she had a bloody, swollen nose and Bellamy wouldn’t look at me.”

“You think Bellamy hit Charlotte?” Jed’s brows hit his hairline.

Race smiled and shook his head. “I don’t know, but I’m thinking there’s more to Bellamy than meets the eye.” He reached for his door handle, ready to get her inside. Jed shut off the truck, the heat immediately starting to fade.

Race hopped out with Bellamy still snuggled in his arms. He wasn’t sure what to think about the fact that he really liked her there. As Jed rounded the front of the truck, he ordered, “Spread the word, I don’t want Charlotte here ever again. They can fuck her at Bottom’s Up, but not here.” He shuffled through the door Jed held open.

“Will do.”

Race was immediately stopped by a worried Calliope. She looked at race, then Bellamy and back to Race. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s cold. No heat in the store, honey. Let Race get her warmed up.” Jed filled her in while trying to give the man a chance to take care of Bellamy.