Page 40 of Race or Ruin

He pulled up to her Jeep and put his truck in park. He turned to her and could see she was starting to get black eyes. What the fuck? It didn’t matter. He was done.

“Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but things between us are done as of now.”

“Race,” she pleaded.

“No. I told you when we started fucking that that was all it was going to be. I’ve let things slide with you and that’s my fault. You’ve gotten the idea that we’re together. We’re not. No more. We’re done.”

“But Race,” she tried pleading again.

“Charlotte, I’m going to ask you a question and you’re going to tell me the truth. Did you take the hide-a-key for my house?” He held his breath, already knowing the answer. There couldn’t be any other explanation. He immediately saw the guilt on her face before she opened her mouth.

“Yes. I took your key. I found it on the counter and thought you left it out for me.”

If she thought that lame ass excuse was going to fly, she was mistaken. “Cut the shit. That key was for my kids. You took the key because you thought you had a claim to my dick. I knew I shouldn’t have fucked you as much as I did.” He mumbled the last to himself, looking out the windshield. The snow they were predicting was starting to fall. Small, light flakes drifting slowly to the ground. By this time tomorrow night there was supposed to be twelve inches, not counting drifts.

“Race,” she placed her hand on his arm. “You want to be with me. You know we’d be good together.”

He removed her hand from his arm. “No, Charlotte. You were never more than free pussy. You knew the deal going in. Now give me my house key.”

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she made no move to get the key.

“Give me my fucking key,” he pushed through clenched teeth. He was getting pissed off. He never wanted to hurt her but she was leaning towardFatal Attractionterritory here.

Charlotte reached into her purse and with jerky movements, found his key and threw it in the floorboard. She gave him one more withering glance, then pushed out of his truck and slammed the door. He waited for her to get in her Jeep and he took off.

Holy fuck. What had he been thinking?

* * *

Bellamy stoodby the front window overlooking Main Street watching as the snow continued falling. Despite the problems that could arise from getting so much snow, she thought it was absolutely beautiful.

She’d sent Cathy home a little over two hours ago, wanting to make sure she was able to make it home to her kids in plenty of time. It wasn’t until thirty minutes ago that it had really started coming down harder. She was debating on going across the street to the diner to get something to eat when the power went out.

“Well, crap.” She guessed she wasn’t going to get something to eat after all. She stepped closer to the window, checking up and down the street, seeing everything had gone dark. Looking at the clock on the wall above the counter, she saw that it was four o’clock. “Crap.” She still had another hour before Race was supposed to pick her up. Honestly, she thought that when the snow picked up he would have come earlier. She would have closed the store early considering she hadn’t had any customers since this morning.

With the overcast sky, darkness had come sooner than she’d expected. Then when the lights all over town went out, it was close to pitch black inside her store. She was close enough to the door that she was able to throw the locks. Using her phone’s light, she made her way to the drawer under the register to search for the flashlight. “There you are.”

She clicked it on and was happy to see the batteries were working. “Yes!” Now what? She looked around her store as if something to do would pop up out of nowhere. Yeah, like she could get anything done in the dark anyway.

After Cathy left, leaving Bellamy all alone, all she could think about was how pissed she’d been this morning when she went out to Race’s truck and found Charlotte sitting in the front seat, a huge smile on her face, gloating. The bitch.

What really made her mad was the fact that Race was once again throwing his hookups in her face. And what really, really pissed her off was knowing Charlotte slept in his bed last night after punching Bellamy in the face. She had a fucking black eye for crying out loud! She’d done her best to cover up the bruising, but anyone who got close enough could definitely tell she had a shiner. Cathy was there yesterday when Charlotte hit her so she was aware of how she’d gotten it.

She remembered being so caught off guard that she didn’t have time to react. Why she assumed Charlotte would never do something like that in public had been stupid. She knew better.

Bellamy would have loved to have taken that bitch to the ground and punched her in the face at that moment. She couldn’t do that, however, considering she was supposed to be a respected business owner. The last thing she wanted or needed was for word to get around that she got in brawls with the customers in the middle of her store. So, she’d thought about it last night and she’d decided she’d get even when the opportunity presented itself.

And as luck would have it, opportunity presented itself this morning. She’d followed Charlotte into the gas station and waited until she was in the restroom. She then went in and waited for the bitch to come out of the stall. As soon as she rounded the corner on her way to the sinks, Bellamy pulled back her arm and let loose on Charlotte. It felt so good to catch her off guard and nail her in the nose. It was even more satisfying when she screamed and realized her nose was bleeding.

“Now we’re even, bitch, and if you tell Race what happened here, I’ll find you when you least expect it. We don’t like each other and we can leave it at that, but if you push me we’re going to be enemies.” She handed Charlotte a wad of paper towels. “And trust me, you don’t want that.”

Yeah, that had been a whole lot more fun than fucking with Clay Walker.

Sighing heavily, she made herself comfortable on the high-backed stool behind the counter and settled in to wait for Race to pick her up. To pass the time, she found an ebook on her phone and started reading. The story was about an MC president and the woman who stole his heart. It was so engaging and steamy, she’d gotten halfway through it before she realized it was 5:30 and she was cold. She rubbed her arms against the chill, the temperature having dropped significantly in her store since the power outage.

Her stomach growled letting her know how stupid she was for skipping lunch. She got up and went to her office where she would hopefully find something to eat in her drawer. “Damn, it’s cold.” She pulled her coat off the rack by her door and put it on. She shivered once, but immediately felt better for bundling herself up.

At her desk she checked all her drawers and came up with one granola bar. Better than nothing. She polished it off in three bites then grabbed the bottle of water sitting next to the coffee pot. She twisted the cap and drank half on her way to the couch. She plopped down and pulled the throw off the back to wrap around her legs. Damn. Her feet were getting really cold.