Page 41 of Race or Ruin

Where was Race? She knew she shouldn’t count on him. He was probably somewhere with Charlotte. No, that wasn’t very kind of her. He was probably with his club, getting them situated which meant he’d forgotten about her. Just great. If she’d have been able to drive her car, she would have left earlier when she sent Cathy home or looking back, she should have taken Cathy up on her offer to give her a ride home.

Her phone vibrated in her hand, drawing her attention to the fact that she was down to 5%. She thought about calling Race’s phone to remind him to come get her, but nixed that idea. She wasn’t going to beg the man to come get her. She pulled up Calliope’s number and texted her, asking if Jackson could come get her. She waited fifteen minutes for a reply before giving up and lying down. She slipped her gloves on then tucked the throw around her tight and thought she’d close her eyes for a little bit. It’s not like she had anything else to do.

Geez, it was cold.

* * *

“What time is it?”someone blurted out.

Calliope pulled her phone from her back pocket to check the time. “7:30.”

7:30. Why did it seem like Race was forgetting something? Was there something else he was supposed to do to get the clubhouse ready for the storm? They’d been able to install the part to the generator he and Jed had gone after last night and it was working perfectly. They’d also been able to stock pile the “necessities” the old ladies insisted they needed, such as food (obviously), toilet paper (another obvious must have), games and movies for the kids and more bedding.

“Oh, shoot. I’ve got a text from Bellamy asking for Jackson to come get her.”

“Fuck.” Race’s head dropped back on his shoulders. That’s what he forgot.

“What time did she send it?” Jackson asked.

“Um, 5:30.”

“Damn. The power’s out. I bet her heat went off around that time, too,” Jed replied. “I’ll go get her.”

“No. I’ll go. I told her this morning when I dropped her off I’d be there at 5:00 to get her.” Race was going to grab his coat from his room and head out.

“What were you doing dropping her off this morning?” Calliope asked.

“Her car wouldn’t start. Shit. I was supposed to get one of the boys to check it out and completely forgot that, too.”

“You want me to ride with you?” Jed asked.

He really didn’t want Jed to ride along because of how much of a flirt he was, but it would be nice to have another set of hands if something went wrong. “Sure. Grab your coat.”

It took thirty minutes to get to Bling instead of the usual fifteen. Race couldn’t believe he’d forgotten to pick up Bellamy.

“The roads are for shit.” Jed leaned forward to try and see better. The snow was coming down in big fat flakes at a fast rate, making it difficult for his wipers to keep up. Thank God no one else was stupid enough to be out on the road right now because he might not see them until it was too late.

“There it is.” Jed pointed toward the building. Everything was covered in several inches of snow already, making it hard to identify things easily.

Race pulled his truck in sideways in front of the store and left the truck running. He trudged to the front door and found it locked. Well, at least she locked up. She rented the building her store was in from the Sons so he was able to get in. He found the key he needed and let himself and Jed inside. They stomped their feet on the rug just inside the door and looked around.

“Damn. It’s not any warmer in here than it is outside and it’s fucking black as pitch.” Jed pulled a pocket-size flashlight from his pocket and turned it on. He shone it around the store and they came up empty.

“She must be in the back.” Race pointed toward the hall, hoping they found Bellamy in her office. The door was closed but not locked as he tried the handle. Jed waved the light around and found Bellamy huddled on the couch in her coat, wrapped in a blanket. She was sound asleep.

He took the few steps needed to get to her and dropped to his haunches. He pulled his glove off and touched her cheek. “Fuck. She’s freezing.” He touched her shoulder and tried to wake her. “Bellamy.” No response. “Bellamy, wake up.” Still nothing. He shook her harder and spoke louder. “Bellamy. It’s Race. Time to go.”

“Mmmm,” she moaned and her eyes fluttered open. It took her a moment for her eyes to focus. He wasn’t sure she recognized him at first until she said, “What took you so long, asshole?”

Race and Jed chuckled, relieved to see she was okay. If she was able to call him an asshole, she wasn’t completely frozen solid. Race squinted, trying to decide if she had a bruise under her eye or if it was just a shadow from the poor lighting.

“Come on. Let me help you up. We need to get you some place warm.” She started to stand until her legs started to give out. He caught her and swooped her up into his arms, blanket and all.

“Jed, lead the way. You can drive.” Race followed behind Jed, allowing him to get the door. He continued on to his truck as the other man locked up. It was slow going trying to march through the snow with Bellamy in his arms, but he made it. By the time he got to the passenger door, Jed was there to open it for him. Race stepped up on the rail, dropped to the seat with Bellamy still in his arms, and swung his legs around so Jed could close the door.

Race was getting worried. Bellamy wasn’t perking up as quickly as he’d like. He situated the blanket she had wrapped around her so that it covered the heater vents facing her, pointing the heat directly to her.

“Mmmm. Warm.”