Page 16 of Race or Ruin

Lance nodded his head. He reached under the counter then placed a beer on the bar. He twisted the top off and pushed it toward Jackson. “Can you pass that to Race? Please?”

“I don’t know. He asked you.”

“Please. I’m begging you. Hand Race the beer.” He was gripping the edge of the bar tightly and pumping his hips.

Race could see the prospect’s teeth clenching and sweat across his brow from where he was sitting. He was struggling hard not to burst into laughter. Jackson was right, this was fun for everybody.

“Hey, I need a beer down here!” Jed, who had no idea anything was up, shouted from the far end of the bar.

Lance’s head whipped around and he growled like a bear. Whatever Jed saw on his face had him holding his hands up and out defensively.

“Where’s my beer, prospect?” Race yelled again.

“Please. For the love of God, hand Race the God damn beer!” he shouted, slapping the bar. “Grrr. Fuck. Fuck Fuck.” Lance was close to coming.

Race had been blown by Tori before and she was like a Hoover vacuum once she latched on. He was surprised the man was able to hold out as long as he had. He was going on seven minutes. Huh. He lasted longer than he thought which meant he’d just lost another $50.

“God damn it!” Lance growled through clenched teeth, his hips pumping like crazy as he came. He experienced a full body shiver as he spilled his release down Tori’s throat. “Sweet baby Jesus,” he whispered.

Race wondered if he was going to collapse behind the bar.

Trick and Jackson burst out laughing. That was enough for Race. He moved in next to them, preparing to give Lance some shit. “Prospect, I asked you to get me a beer. What the fuck is your problem?”

“I, uh,” Lance’s face turned red, at a loss for words. Tori popped up from behind the bar, wiping at the corners of her mouth, a satisfied smile on her face. Lance stuffed himself back in his pants, probably trying to come up with a good explanation as to why he was getting a blowjob.

With a stern expression, Race asked, “Were you fucking Tori’s face? Even after you were told no pussy for you tonight?” He wrapped an arm around the cute little blonde as she came around the bar and she sidled up next to him.

“Race, I’d really like to say I’m sorry, but I can’t. That was hands down the best blowjob I’ve ever had.” A huge smile split across his face. “If you’re going to punish me for it, gotta say it was so worth it. Honestly, I think I might need to sit down for a minute.”

Race couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer. He lost it, reached over the bar and slapped him on the shoulder. “Gotta say you held out a lot longer than I thought you would. Tori has a way of making a man beg for mercy.”

“What? You knew she was down there the whole time? ” Lance asked, confused.

“Yeah. I knew. And pussy isn’t off limits to you at patch parties as long as you keep up with your bartending duties.”

Lance turned to Jackson, who smiled and said, “Gotcha.”

He looked back to Race. “There is no such rule. Jackson was just fucking with you.”

Lance again looked at Jackson who was still grinning like an idiot. “Nope. No rule. Just wanted to see you sweat.”

“You know, I should probably be mad at your for trying to get me in trouble, but after Tori drained me dry, I just don’t have it in me.”

“What was with that little shiver thing at the end?” Race thought he knew the answer but was curious to see if Lance would own up to it or not.

His face turned red and his mouth slammed closed, not wanting to say.

Jackson laughed. “She stuck her finger in his ass and he lost it.”

Yeah. That’s what Race thought. She’d done it to him once and he still didn’t know exactly what happened, but he came right then whether he wanted to or not.

Lance was still beet red, but he shrugged his shoulders and said, “Whatever. It felt fucking amazing to come that hard.” He shook his head and went to get Jed the beer he’d asked for earlier.

“Oh my God, did you see his face? I thought he was going to reach across the bar and punch Jackson in the face.” Trick was still laughing so hard he could barely breathe.

Race looked down at Tori. “I bet you’re all worked up now, aren’t you, doll?”

“Yes, I am, Race.” She slid her long red nails down his chest. “Are you going to take care of it?”