Page 17 of Race or Ruin

“Hop up on the bar.” He helped her climb up so that her ass was on the bar, one high-heeled foot each on a barstool with Race standing between her legs. He spread her legs wide, pushing her skirt around her waist and got a perfect view of her naked pussy. Leaning in, he ran his tongue through her juices and hummed.

“God, Race. Feels so good.” Tori leaned back on one arm and threaded her fingers through his hair, holding him against her. “Pleease, Race,” she begged, lifting her hips toward his mouth. “Don’t make me wait.”

He slipped a finger inside, curving it to reach just the right spot and sucked her clit at the same time. Tori started squirming, her chest rising and falling quicker the closer she got to coming. His eyes skimmed up her smooth, toned body and found her eyes half closed in pleasure as she watched him, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. She was so close to the edge after working Lance it wouldn’t take much more to make her fly.

“Mmm. Race,” Tori panted breathlessly. A little squeal slipped out as he surprised her by pulling her off the bar and bending her over a barstool.

He made quick work out of freeing his cock and sliding on a condom. Before she could have a chance to beg him for more, he lined himself up and pushed into her wet core. Satisfied that Tori was on the verge of coming, he hammered into her until she reached her peak and shouted his name. That’s all he needed to hear to give himself permission to find his own release. For just a second he tried to imagine what a certain little shop owner would sound like when she came. He mentally slammed the door on that image. There was no future with Bellamy and he needed to keep reminding himself of that.

* * *

Jacob Jacobson was normallya patient man. However, the disappearance of his best employee and protege, with no new news on where he might be, was quickly making his patience grow thin. When Kurtis and his crew first went missing, he’d had men scouring the whole of Colorado looking for any small clue that might lead to his whereabouts.

Despite what some might say, he did not believe for one second that Kurtis had taken off with his last shipment and started his own business. There was no reason to. Kurtis was being groomed to take over Jacob’s business when the time came that Jacob passed from this world. Having no children of his own, he’d personally handpicked Kurtis as his replacement and had set about teaching him all the ins and outs of the business, as well as introducing him to all the important people.

Against Jacob’s better judgment, Kurtis had set up his base of operations in Redemption, the town he’d grown up in. He told the man it was a bad idea due to all the emotional baggage that came with the town. He knew part of the reason Kurtis had come back to Redemption was because of some woman he had been attracted to as a teenager. Jacob realized that Kurtis was getting older and it was only natural that he would want a wife that could provide him with children. He’d tried to turn his attention to any number of women, but Kurtis wouldn’t have it. Jacob had known when what he was saying was falling on deaf ears, so he let it go. But like all things, sometimes lessons had to be learned the hard way. That’s what Jacob had feared. That Kurtis had learned the hard way and paid with his life.

Although he had men scouring all of Colorado, Jacob himself was centering his investigation around Redemption. His investigator had tracked down the woman who had owned Kurtis’s heart and had probably never known, let alone appreciated it. Lindsey Hicks.

He’d been given pictures of her and he had to agree with Kurtis, she was very beautiful. But give up your life for her kind of beautiful? No. In his report, the investigator had found out that Lindsey was a third grade teacher who was involved with a biker. Yes, a biker. Not just any biker, but a member of the Sons of Redemption MC. A club known to live by their own rules and mete out its own justice when they felt it was warranted. Had they felt Kurtis was a threat to Lindsey and decided to get rid of him? If Jacob were a betting man, he’d say yes.

Since coming to Redemption, Jacob had kept to the shadows and done some observing of his own. He now knew that the president of the Sons of Redemption MC was named Race. Because he was in charge, everything that occurred in his club had to go through him. That meant everything fell on his shoulders and the buck always stopped with the head honcho.

He’d discovered that Race was divorced, had three children, a hot little number living next door and a certain taste for the stripper currently dancing on stage at the Bottom’s Up strip club. Charlotte. She was going to be his unwitting tool.

Three nights ago, he’d called Charlotte to his table and asked to see her after she got off work. He’d taken her to a cheap motel and spent some time between the sheets getting hot and sweaty. He had to say the woman definitely knew how to fuck. Once they were through, he’d taken her back to her car at Bottom’s Up and waved goodbye. Instead of returning to the cheap motel room, he’d gone to the plush cabin in the woods he was staying at.

Tonight he was going to see if he could get her drunk enough to spill some information about the club so he could come up with the perfect plan to exact his revenge.

At first, he thought to use Lindsey Hicks as his instrument of revenge because she was Kurtis’s fascination. Of course, her man would be a part of getting her back from Kurtis. That was obvious. If he messed with Lindsey, the first thing they wold think was it probably had something to do with Kurtis’s human trafficking business. That would be the only logical place to look for trouble considering she was a squeaky clean elementary school teacher. So he needed a backup target.

He was convinced the Sons of Redemption were behind the disappearance of Kurtis. And as the head of a hugely successful business, Jacob knew that if he took out the head of the motorcycle club, it would cause irreparable damage. If it were to collapse the club, all the better.

The question was how best to fuck up Race’s world?


He pulled up in his driveway and the first thing he noticed was how dark his house was. Derrick’s Chevelle was sitting in front of his house so why wasn’t every light in the house on? He let himself inside and flipped the lamp closest to the door on. “Hey, guys! You here?” Nothing. If they weren’t in the house where else could they be? They’d have to be on foot if Derrick’s car was out front.

Walking to the window he liked to watch Bellamy through, he was surprised to see his kids were all over at her house. “What the hell?” Why were his kids over there and not over here? He supposed there was only one way to find out. He locked and closed his door behind him and cut through the front yard, knocked on Bellamy’s door and waited.

He could hear someone coming toward the door. There was a pause, then locks being thrown and finally, the front door swung open. Bellamy stood in the doorway. “Race. Hey. I guess you’re looking for your kids.” She opened the door wider and waved for him to enter. “They’re here. We were just sitting down to eat. Come in and I’ll get you a bowl of chili.”

Race followed behind Bellamy at a leisurely pace. He didn’t know what she was wearing, but the black pants, he thought his girls called them leggings, looked sprayed onto her long legs. She wore a light grey hoodie unzipped enough to show she wore a hot pink tank underneath it. Her feet were in thick, fuzzy, hot pink with black polka dots socks to keep her feet warm. Her hair was up in a messy bun and he thought it made her look hot as fuck. He always enjoyed seeing her in her business attire, but seeing her dressed down in casual clothes was just as enjoyable.

He followed her to the dining room and spotted his three kids already seated at the table, bowls and plates of food in front of them. “Hey, guys. How’d you end up here?”

“Hey, Dad. We were locked out of the house and Bellamy was nice enough to let us hang out with her until you got home,” Liza offered cheerfully.

“Now, she’s going to feed us chili and grilled cheese.” Derrick paused with his sandwich halfway to his mouth.

“Yeah. And she made a chocolate cake for dessert.” Shannon was all but rubbing her hands together in anticipation. His youngest had a definite sweet tooth and if it involved chocolate, even better.

“Have a seat, Race, and I’ll bring you a bowl of chili. You want one or two grilled cheese sandwiches?” Bellamy motioned to the empty chair at the other end of the table. “We were just getting started.”

Race pulled out his chair and took a seat. He glanced Derrick’s direction and saw that his son had two sandwiches, one almost halfway gone. He chuckled. “If we’re having chocolate cake, I think I’ll take just one sandwich. Thanks.”

“You want sweet tea or a beer to drink?” Bellamy asked in the doorway.