After a bit, Renxel looks at us and nods. “I’m gonna go freeze my balls off. Night, love birds.”

“Night,” Maxe and Thippe chime in unison.

Looking over at Rylan, I see he’s gone stone-faced again. He grunts off into his tent moments later, leaving me full of questions.

Hot. Cold. Between repeated camp mishaps and his behavior, I can’t figure out which is the bigger mystery.



The first rays of dawn filter through the dense forest canopy, casting a soft glow on our group as we break camp. We are among the top competitors, the mood light despite the arduous day ahead.

After traveling together yesterday, we'll soon split off to make use of routes that play to our individual strengths and skills. And while I haven’t traveled along this range much, there shouldn’t be too many surprises.

“The best tip I can give you is to take care of your feet. You wouldn’t think it, but these are the most important tools you have,” I lecture to the surrounding group, feeling magnanimous this morning. There’s no way they’re going to keep up with me, so I figure why not, it’s a dangerous trial!

Renxel claps my back sharply as he passes, a little too hard. "On your right! Move it or lose it!" he jeers.

I clench my jaw, holding back a caustic reply. I don't trust him, not one bit. And I anticipate a confrontation at some point. I've competed against his type before. The thought of someone like him gaining power from this race makes me shudder. For now, I'll reserve my energy and keep wary eyes on him.

Iara sticks close this morning, neither of us quite willing to fully separate just yet. But as the day progresses, the spacing between us gradually widens. She keeps pace with the group for a while, stealing occasional glances at me, a subtle intimacy in motion. Though the magnetic pull between us is undeniable, we can't remain side by side much longer without it sparking.

It’s damn near exhausting to separate myself from her orbit. Almost as strenuous as the climb itself. It’s making for a much harder test of my abilities than previous ones. Not that I’m complaining, the challenge is what I love. I just wish that annoying voice in my head would stop thinking of Iara as the prize at the end of this journey.

As we hike, I notice Maxe and Thippe walking annoyingly close, completely enraptured in each other. Their picture-perfect bonding grates on me, reminding me how fated mates ultimately form a codependent union, one forced to sacrifice for the other.

Davin suddenly slows, his ever-watchful eyes catching a disturbing sign. "Everyone halt," he urges, pointing up at the trees. There are smears of blood and tufts of torn fur, evidence of a fresh kill.

I step forward, seeing a cautious expression on his face. "Davin's right," I confirm. "This region is known for its diverse wildlife. Some of it is not so friendly. We need to be on our guard. Just stick behind me, and you’ll be alright. Predators hate a challenge."

Lila, who had been absorbed in examining her latest rock find, places it gently back into her backpack. "Are we talking about something big and ferocious, like a Tybli?" she inquires with concern in her eyes at the thought of the mountain cat lurking nearby.

"If we’re lucky. These mountains are home to various predators. We should stick together and make noise to alert them of our presence."

Davin readies a walking stick, not looking the least bit daunted. "No need to worry, we've got Rylan with us," he says, his eyes darting around as he evaluates the surroundings. "And I've got some tricks up my sleeve, too."

Their shared calm underlines the necessity of caution as we prepare to proceed, more aware than ever that the beauty and danger of the wilderness often go hand in hand.

As we pick our way cautiously over the craggy terrain, a haunting cry echoes through the cliffs ahead. Lila's eyes widen with excitement, and before long, we catch sight of the elusive beast slinking between the jagged rocks. Its jet-black fur begins to ripple and change, taking on the exact mottled hues of the surrounding stone.

Lila watches, enthralled, as the creature's mane seems to become infused with streaks of granite and lichen while its piercing emerald eyes stand out brightly against the illusion. Even its tufted tail appears frayed and mineral-like.

“Beautiful creature,” I hear myself say, caught in the majesty.

"It’s just like I imagined it," Lila breathes. The legends claim these mystical beasts can blend into any environment, evading predators and surprising prey.

As we observe its uncanny camouflage, it suddenly turns its gaze directly at us. Those penetrating eyes seem to stare straight through to our souls. Then, as silently as it appeared, it leaps away and vanishes once more into the rocky vastness.

“According to the local legends, the appearance of the shadow cat is seen as a powerful omen, often interpreted in various ways," Davin lectures in reverence. "Some believe it signifies impending danger or a difficult trial to come, as it is associated with its role as a cunning and unpredictable predator.”

“So it’s a good sign, is it not?” Lila posits thoughtfully as she bends to inspect a colorful rock that’s perfect for the occasion. “And look at this rock.” She holds it up proudly.

“She makes a good point. The legends can be read both ways.” I shake my head with an amused smile. “Omens aside, keep your wits about you up here. The range doesn't suffer fools or the unprepared, as the tales always say.”

After the sighting, our little fellowship starts to slowly thin out, Iara the next to go.

"Off on your own path, eh, Iara? The mountain may split us up, but we'll see each other at The Cradle of the Gods!" Lila calls out cheerfully as Iara heads away from the group.