Her optimism is catchy but also naive. Not all aspirants will reach the end.Iara and I exchange one last lingering glance, and I give her a look of concern. She appears to be going a vastly different route than planned, and I can no longer deny the magnetic pull between us, irresistible as gravity.

And now, more importantly, I can't help but calculate her chosen path in my mind. With the gear she’s hauling, I begin to doubt her ability to make it all the way up the steep incline she's racing towards. It's a risky choice, and the thought of her struggling with the challenges of the route gnaws at me.

Despite my reservations, I must trust in her skills. I have my own challenges to face, and the mountain's unforgiving terrain offers no guarantees. It's a test of endurance, resource management, and sheer willpower. We each have our own battles to fight.

As we part ways, longing tugs at me. Lila sidles over, giving me a knowing smile. "Your heart strays to another trail, doesn't it?"

I sigh ruefully. "Am I so obvious?"

"Worry not! If fate wills it, your paths will cross again."

Our paths may cross but will it be for the best?

As we ascend further into the heart of the mountain, the landscape grows more treacherous. Jagged rocks jut out from the terrain, and the narrow paths become even more dangerous. Lila, seemingly oblivious, continues to collect rocks, Davin keeps an eye out for those elusive mountain finches, and I occasionally impart my knowledge of the area.

“You know, the hoomvine flowers only bloom at night during a full moon," Lila comments as we pass the cascading purple flowers. "When the petals open, they give off a glowing vapor that attracts nocturnal pollinators. My aunt says drinking a tea made from the leaves grants visions of your future mate!"

I chuckle at the fanciful notion. Lila's light-hearted observations help with the grueling pace of this climb, even though I’m ninety percent sure most of what she says is absolutely made up. I’m surprised they’re keeping up with me at all, the lot of them far more talented than I had ever imagined.

"And those rodents burrowing over there, we call them whistlers. They chitter tunefully when feeding so you know not to disturb their meal! I always thought that if I were to be reincarnated as an animal, I would be a whistler,” she says matter-of-factly. Davin gives her a questioning look. “Because of the recurring dreams I had as a child, of course."

“I thought the dreams were about a war,” Davin says.

“Yes, but also sometimes about whistlers, we talked about this. Sometimes I wonder what will happen if the clouds in your head grow any bigger. Would you simply float away?”

As we hike, I'm constantly aware of the dangers that lurk on this untamed peak. The mountain's fickle nature demands vigilance with each step. I find my gaze repeatedly drifting to check on Iara. Her daring direct ascent lingers in my mind, equal parts concerning and intriguing.

Casually I adjust my route to keep her in view, telling myself it's for safety's sake. She forges upward relentlessly, and I can'tdeny her tenacity sparks my admiration. But I know her frail human form isn't built for this ruthless terrain.

Before long, we reach a fork where my adjusted path diverges. I pause, meeting Lila's knowing eyes. She steps forward and envelops me in a quick hug, tucking a smooth stone into my pocket. No words are needed. She understands this is where we must part ways.

"Be careful out there," I call to what’s left of our little fellowship.

And with that, I'm alone.

The true trial has begun.

I steel myself against the elements and continue onward.



As I peer upward at the towering summit, anticipation wells up. This trial has tested my limits thus far, but the true reckoning awaits above the clouds.

I’ve never been so alone in my entire life. Surrounded by the towering cliffs and jagged rocks, the isolation is palpable. Despite the challenges and creeping sense of solitude, my determination burns brightly. I’m here to prove myself as an equal, and I won’t let the mountain's formidable conditions deter me.

A glance down at the dizzying drop below brings a wave of vertigo. Back pressed against the sheer cliff wall, my composure is regained.

The thin, frigid air burns my lungs with each breath.

Descending now would be impossible.

With gritted teeth, the decision is made. The only way out is up.

Jaw set, I begin the perilous ascent, seeking out fragile-looking holds and testing them. The icy rock face requires slow, methodical movements up the sheer incline. I check my gear,making sure my rope is secure and my crampons and ice axe are ready.

The technical tools offer slim assurance against a deadly fall but boost my confidence. Taking a deep breath, I swing my axe hard, sinking it deep into the unforgiving surface.