Page 49 of Romeo

“Brent and his people are dangerous. They have no qualms about killing us or harming innocents. Romeo will get Ashley, Maya will cast protection spells, and the rest of us will secure as many of the humans as possible. Capture and restrain, don’t kill unless you have to. Any questions?”

The group was silent, all eyes on Midas, a simmering anger emanating from everyone. Romeo had never been so thankful to be part of the Whisper Creek ambush than he was at that moment.

I’m coming for you, Ashley.

* * *

Ashley stoppedat the door and rested her ear on it. Her hearing was sharper than it had been and she could hear people talking. She didn’t believe they were close to the room she was held in, so she grasped the handle and twisted it with a pull. The door creaked and she froze, listening to check if anyone had heard the sound. When no one mentioned it, and the conversation hadn’t stopped, she pulled the door open enough to allow herself to get through.

She was in a dimly lit hallway. She glanced to the right and saw the hallway hooked to the left. When she turned and looked to her left, she saw an archway that opened into a room, and she heard the voices from earlier.

Footsteps sounded and she stepped back into the room and waited until they faded away.

Her wolf growled, the sound a low rumble in her chest.

Stepping out into the hall once more, she stared at the archway. How many people were there? Brent had an army. Dozens upon dozens of people dedicated to him. At one time, he’d had hundreds, but a lot of Humans Against Shifters members were still in LA, where his home base had been before he’d come to Cleveland.

She couldn’t entirely turn into a wolf, which would be super handy right now. Then she could just bite her way through the bad guys and get to freedom. But she did have her claws, freaky long fingers, and fangs.

She didn’t know if Romeo was going to be able to find her. She knew the video that Brent had Buck make had sent them somewhere else, but they were still luring the tigers here to get the drop on them, and that meant she needed to get out of this building and get to Romeo before he and the others got hurt.

Inwardly she smiled.

She felt like a badass heroine, rescuing herself and saving the day.

Well, at least she’d set herself free. Could she save the day?

She sure as hell hoped so.

Creeping forward, she brandished her claws and settled her weight so she could run as fast as possible toward what she hoped would be an exit door somewhere in the room beyond the archway.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Buck shouted as he walked into the hallway.

Whelp, there went her surprise attack.

“Fuck. You.”

With a bellowing howl, she launched herself at the man she’d hated the entire time she’d been part of Brent’s group, claws slashing.

* * *

Romeo heard a howl.He paused as he neared the back of the factory.

That had to be Ashley. There was no way another wolf was working for Brent; he hated shifters.

A bolt of fear shot through him, and he knew without a doubt it came from his mate.

With a deep growl, he bolted for the back door and slammed his shoulder into it. The security door hadn’t been meant to keep shifters out, and the hinges squealed and bent under his weight. He shoved the door aside and roared, the sound echoing in the hallway.


He raced toward her, feeling her fear like it was his own. It licked at his spine, but he used the fear to push himself. As he careened around a corner, he skidded to a halt as he watched the male from the video drag Ashley, bleeding and furious, into a room.

He heard the roars of his people as they infiltrated the factory, followed by the firing of guns and the screams of humans.

He had one job—rescue his mate.

He was damn well going to do it.