Page 94 of For the Gods' Sake

But I also had no intention of dealing with their wives if I returned them harmed.

Lukas didn’t address the threat, grabbing a seat at one of the chairs in front of my desk.

Dominic did the same and then said, “Please. Enlighten us.”

“I’m having,” my voice cracked on the worda, the syllable lost in the back of my throat, “feeling.”

Dominic blinked at me once. “I’m having feeling,” he repeated, looking at me like I was insane. Yeah, I wasn’t convinced I hadn’t gone fully off the walls crazy. Dominic turned to Lukas, then pointed at me. “Adrian is havingfeeling.”

Lukas shook his head dramatically. “I wasn’t prepared to lose him so soon.” Then to me, “How long do you think you have left? Weeks? Months?Days?”

I grumbled low in the back of my throat. Their little dual comedy act wasn’t funny when my chest physically hurt. “You both are assholes.”

“I assume this has something to do with what happened last night?” Lukas asked. Dominic didn’t look even remotely phased by the question. Either Daphne had told Rose or Lukas had told him.

That was fine. If I had to repeat the story, I was likely to break something.

I nodded, my neck feeling tense with strain.

“Brother, I could have called this from a mile away,” Lukas said, laughing. “I mean, seriously.I’m going to start a fake relationship with the one person I’d conveniently avoided my entire life.” His voice had dropped, like he was imitating the rough and low tone of mine. “You thought that was going to go off without a hitch?”

“Yes,” I growled. That was exactly what I thought was going to happen. Nothing could have prepared me for the world-ending storm that was Reyna’s presence in my life. “This can’t be normal.”

“What can’t be?” Dominic asked.

I didn’t have the words for it, so I just gestured to my general chest area, then up to my head.

Dominic laughed, dropping and shaking his head. “For the love of Jupiter, Adrian’s in love.”

What the fuck?

Lukas barked a laugh of his own, standing to grab the whiskey off the cart in my office. Of course, he went right for the two hundred year old bottle.

Normally, I would be giving him shit for that.

Now, I was just thankful he’d gotten it for me. I needed it to distract from the shredding feeling in my chest and I wasn’t positive I could stand without falling over.

This sickness—whatever it was—felt that serious.

Lukas dropped three glasses down on my desk, pouring a healthy three fingers in each glass. I tossed mine back the second the glass was full. Lukas didn’t say anything, simply filling it back up.

“You know,” he said, while he sat down with his own glass in hand, keeping the bottle in reaching distance, “This would be much easier if you hadn’t made it your life’s mission to suppress all feeling.”

“I’m feeling all sorts of un-supressed shit towards you two right now.”

Lukas threw up his hands in surrender. “Hey, I’m just enjoying watching you squirm a little.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen your hair this messy,” Dominic added, just to drive the knife in. “Which means you have no idea what you’re doing and you called us here to ask us for advice.”

It took me a full three seconds to nod in agreement. I opened my mouth to ask them what I’d brought themhere for, then had to shut my mouth and start again. Twice.

Finally, through a tight throat and in a scraping voice, I asked them, “When did you realize you loved your wives?”

Dominic was the one who brought up love, so it was only logical to pursue that line of questioning.

Even just saying the word made this whole thing seem way more real. And in a world where I loved Reyna in a very real way, I also had to deal with a world where the thought of a threat to her life—one I caused—made my stomach turn with uncontrolled anxiety.

Another new emotion. I was just collecting them like stones at this point.