I can hear him mumble some curse words then the sounds of the locks disengaging. I glance at Rett, and his eyes are written with danger. He’s gone to his dark side. A ghost of a smile appears when he catches me. He gives me a nod letting me know he’s ready. Ready to die for his family if need be.

The door swings open and low and behold it’s Jon Chen that’s standing there. The look on his face is priceless when he notices it’s me standing in front of him.

“Hello Jon. I’m making house calls now.” With a quick fist, I punch him across the jaw. He stumbles further into the house. I hear the back door being kicked in and chaos is rained down on us. Rett heads deeper into the house while I look down on Jon.

“So, tell me, Jon, how is it that suddenly, you’re the best in town? I find that to be some kind of miracle if you ask me, any words?”

“Fuck you Lucca, you and your family are nothing, but garbage and people are sick of you and your idea of ruling the streets. People want options and I’m giving them that.”

I laugh. “Options? See.” I squat closer to him. “I find that funny. After all, no one complained before, so why now? Mmm.” I grab his hair and smash his head into the floor. He lets out a huge scream.

“Wanna try to answer me again?”

He remains quiet, so I smash his head again. His eyes roll back. I smack his cheek. “No passing out on me ya pussy.”

His eyes focus again on me. “Fuck… you.”

I pull my gun out and point it at his face. “Wanna play it this way? That’s fine. You do have a brother.”

“Don’t you fucking dare touch him,” he spits out.

I wave my gun. “All you gotta do is halt production. Fail to do so and kiss your ass goodbye. I don’t do second chances, Jon.”

“Fine!” he yells. “I’ll halt everything, I swear.”

“Good boy, considering my men killed all your men, and ruined all your product you have no choice, anyway.” I point my gun at his thigh and fire.

He screams and starts crying. Curling into himself.

“That’s a warning shot. Next time, I won’t miss anything vital.”

I stand and see my men standing around me all with a satisfying grin on their faces. Every one of them covered in blood splatter. With a nod, we all walk back out like nothing has happened. We don’t have to worry about anyone talking especially in this neighborhood. No one is stupid enough to go against us.

I feel somewhat relieved. Yet I’m still jittery deep within it’s got to be seeing Charlie for the first time in eight years. What else could it be?

I try to keep myself together until I get back to work. I can’t believe I ran into him already and he has a daughter. A fucking daughter. I felt my heart break all over again. I thought I had my shit together yet somehow seeing him again shattered it all over again. As soon as I walk into work, I head for the washrooms. I ignore the look from Jill when her head popped over the reception desk. Pushing the door open for the washrooms I grip the edge of the counter and stare at myself in the mirror. Pain gripping my chest. Seeing him so happy it isn’t fair. I wanted that. My vision became blurry. Looking up to the ceiling I tried to remain calm. I have no right to still cry over this man. I deserve to move on and find happiness also, so why haven’t I? Why couldn’t I move on and forget about him? Lord knows I’ve tried. It seems everyone I dated since him I’ve compared them. I know it’s not fair of me to do so. It’s not like me and Lucca dated for years it was only a couple of months, though what I felt in those months I knew deep down he was my one and only that might make me sound so naïve and stupid I can’t help it.

I pull myself together and leave the washroom and head back to my office. Oscar is waiting for me. He smiles his charming smile at me, and I melt every time. If we weren’t working together, I probably would take it further. I can’t risk anything between us. It wouldn’t be fair for either of us. When he sees me up close his smile falters.

“What’s wrong and who do I have to kill?”

I shake my head and sit. “No one, it’s been a crazy afternoon, that’s all. What you got for me?”

He narrows his eyes at me while he slides more files towards me. “The usual, nothing exciting in the accounting world I’m afraid. If you want action, may I suggest an Uber driver?” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

I let out a snort. “Seriously? Would you know this firsthand?”

“Yes, this one time I was working as an Uber driver, and you wouldn’t believe who jumps into my car.” His eyebrows raise in excitement.

“Who?” I rest my elbows on my desk leaning in.

“These four dudes all dressed in suits. They had blood splattered all over them. I thought for sure I was going to die, but they told me to pin it. So, I was pedal to the metal baby. I raced my poor Honda Civic in and out of traffic not knowing who was after us. It was amazing. The adrenaline I felt that day, oh baby. Anyway, those four guys turned out to work for the mafia. They paid me a huge amount and told me if I ever needed anything to call them anytime. Can you believe that?” His eyes took up his whole face, excitement bounced off him.

I was stunned. If I’m thinking who I’m thinking it was, I can imagine how much they paid him and he’s lucky to be walking around still. He’s lucky Lucca didn’t kill him, and I don’t think I’ll be telling Oscar about my little run in, if he has contact with him fuck that.

“You’re fucking lucky, Oscar. The cops could’ve pulled you over for reckless driving or you could’ve caused an accident.”

“I’m an excellent driver, trust me. Besides, if the cops did pull us over, I’m pretty sure one of them would’ve talked me out of a ticket.” He smirks.