“What did you have in mind? It’s a beautiful day out today.”
She taps her chin. “Maybe the park? Would you like that.”
This kid. “Baby, it’s up to you. I’m down for whatever you have in mind.”
She shrugs. “Okay, the park it is. Come on, lazy butt. Get dressed.” She stands on the bed and starts jumping. “Come on Daddy, let’s gooooo.” She sings.
I grab her and gently toss her down and start tickling her sides. She lets out a squeal. “D-Daddy, s-stop.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll get ready.” She rushes out of my room; I don’t waste any time getting dressed.
The park isn’t overly busy. With all the bodyguards walking around, I let Ada run off towards the playground. If anyone valued their life, they wouldn’t mess with her. I’ve only ever had one scare with Ada, and that poor asshole never lasted the night. Anna had taken Ada to the park when a kidnapping attempt was made. Luckily, one of our bodyguards could reach her in time. Let’s just say my torturing skills were brushed up that night. We found out who was behind the kidnapping. It was the Atwood gang. They’ve had it out for me ever since I’ve become a capo. Might have something to do with me killing Seth Atwood’s brother.
He still has it out for me. He’s being smart and covering his tracks this time around. Little does he know I’m also covering my tracks and narrowing down every inch of his pathetic life.
I continue to watch Ada run around the park, trying to decide which equipment she wants to play on. When the hairs on my neck shoot to attention. My posture firms instantly, my entire body going on alert. Shifting my eyes around the park, I don’t notice anything to raise concern. So why is my body acting like there is a threat nearby. I can hear Ada squeal and my head snaps to her, only to notice her sliding down the slide. Darting a glance around the park again the air in my lungs evaporated.
Walking towards us with her eyes on her phone is the first love that I’ve ever had. I could point her out in a busy crowd even after all these years. She looks even more beautiful after all these years. She must sense someone watching her because she raises her face and locks eyes on me. She halts her steps, and I can see her chest take a deep inhale. Her jaw dropped in shock. She blinks excessively trying to figure out if I was real or not.
“Lucca?” she asked in a low, shaky voice.
Giving her a small smile. “Hi Charlie.”
She brings her hand to her mouth; I usher a few steps near her.
“Stop, please,” she said, a worried frown creasing her forehead. “I can’t do this.”
“Do what? Have a simple conversation?”
“Daddy? Can we go home now?” Ada yelled while running full tilt to us.
“You have a kid?” Charlie asked in shock.
Ada jumps into my arms and turns towards Charlie. “Who’s this Daddy?”
I glance over to Charlie; her eyes keep pinging from Ada to me. I’m not ready for this conversation.
“This is my friend Charlotte, and this is Adelaide my daughter.” Ada sticks her small hand out for Charlie.
Charlie smiles and shakes her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Adelaide.”
“You can call me Ada; all my friends do.”
“Oh, well. You can call me Charlie then.”
Ada moves her mouth towards my ear. “Daddy, I like her. She seems really nice.”
I chuckle. “She isPrincipessa.”
Charlie is taking us in. We’re probably a lot considering it’s been years and I’m gathering Scarlett hasn’t filled her in with anything. It would’ve been easier if she has. Now I feel she won’t listen to me if I do have a chance to explain things to her. How will she listen to me when I have a kid with someone else when I broke her heart in the worst possible way to protect her. Then to go behind her back and get married to someone else. Even if I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I don’t think she’ll ever forgive me for that.
“I’m sorry, but I should get back to work. It was nice to meet you, Ada. Lucca.” She nods and turns around and walks back the way she came.
“Daddy? Why did she look so sad?”
“Once upon a time, a not so nice prince broke her heart and now he has a lot to make up for.”
“That’s sad. I’ll help her get happy. I make you smile every day.”