I kiss her forehead. “That you do. I’m very thankful for that. Ready to head home?”

She nods.

After Ada went to bed, I slip out and head over to my men’s place. I need to get some shit off my mind and no better way than to finish a job. Seeing Charlotte after all these years has rattled me more than I wanted it to. Ada wouldn’t stop talking about her. They barely even spoke to each other and yet my daughter was over the moon with her. Jesus, I was still over the moon with her, no matter how much I tried to forget her and to tell myself she wasn’t worth it I knew better. Charlotte Holmes was always meant for me. It’s too bad my world was not meant for her. It would eat her up and I couldn’t risk that. If anything happened to her, I would never forgive myself. At least with Bianca, she knew what she was in for, growing up in the mafia. We just never thought someone would gun her down. Leaving me raising our three-year-old.

Walking into the townhouse, the music is blaring, and I caught a whiff of weed. My guess is Nico and Antonio are up to their usual fun time upstairs. The rumours are true with those two. They share a girl between them both. It’s too bad they haven’t found the one that will settle down between them.

I walk into the kitchen and find Rett sitting at the island nursing a whiskey.

“Are we pouting or what?”

He looks up and rolls his eyes. “No more than usual, you?”

I run my hand through my hair. “I ran into Charlie today?”

“No shit. How did that go?”

“I had Ada with me.”

He tensed. “Fuck. I’m guessing she had no clue about her?”

I shake my head. “I’m gonna say no. She was shocked. Even after all these years, she’s still beautiful. I wanna say I made the right move. Even if she hates me still.”

He takes a drink. “Oh, I’m sure she still hates you bro. I’m sure she was shocked to see Ada with you.”

I sink down onto the stool. Resting my head into my hands. “I need to get my frustrations out. We have a job to do, but the boys are a little occupied, aren’t they?”

He shrugs. That’s my cue to find them. Heading upstairs, I can hear moaning coming from their room. Not like I haven’t seen their bare asses before. I push open the door and Nico is on the bottom balls deep into the chick’s pussy, while Antonio is ramming her hard into her ass.

“Hate to break up the fuck fest. But we have a job to do.”

“Fuck me boss. Give me ten more minutes.” Nico calls out.

“Unless you wanna watch, I’m down for that.” Antonio tells me.

The chick moans as they move faster. “Either way, I’ve seen it all before. I’ll see you downstairs.”

I’m halfway down the stairs when I hear them both yell their release. Jesus H Christ. Never gets old does it.

“Are they finally finished?” Rett asked as soon as I enter the kitchen.

“Like two schoolgirls. Anyway, we have some housecleaning to do. Some of the smaller gangs are acting like they own the streets, and we remind them who actually owns this town.”

A rumbling laugh comes from behind us. “I love it when you talk shop boss. I’m about to get hard again.”

“So, when are we headed out? I’m leaving our pet here.”

I don’t say anything instead I make a straight line towards the front door. I don’t bother looking behind me. I know they’ll follow. I hop into the Range Rover all three doors close after I settle in. Headed towards downtown I fill the boys in on the details of what we are about to do. The entire car fills with anticipation for what’s coming.

I park the car near the boarded-up house. It may look abandoned. That’s what they want you to think. The Chen brothers started a small gang and figured they could sell coke at a cheaper price than us. I’ve heard from a source they are trying to push us out. Over my dead fucking body, will that ever happen.

With no words, we all exit the car. Cocking our guns, we stalk towards the house. The street is quiet, the streetlights flicker on and off and only half of them work. Conveniently, the light in front of the house doesn’t work. Basking it in total darkness. Perfect for us, Rett takes the lead creeping up the walkway. Nico and Antonio round the side headed out back.

The steps are missing huge chucks of wood, the rails on the deck are all but broken. They succeeded on the rundown drug house look. They would win the award on HGTV for sure. I stand on the left of the front door, while Rett stands opposite. I wait thirty more seconds before I pound on the door. I hear someone shout inside along with stumbling.

“Who’s there?” someone mumbles from behind the door.

“I’m looking to buy some C. My guy told me you had the best.” I hollered back.