Eventually, he pulls out of me, takes a step back and shudders, stretching his arms above his head.Good for you, motherfucker. You made your conquest.

“Fuck, you aretight,” he says approvingly. “As tight as the first time.”

I crawl up to the pillow and lay down on my side, knees to my chest. I can’t stop shaking. I can’t stop sobbing. He won’t let me shower. I know that without having to ask. Not until morning, if then.

The other side of the bed dips and Nathan curls an arm around my waist, pulling me into him. The first kiss takes me by surprise, but not the second or third. He’s kissing my tears away. Murmuring sweet nothings. He lifts my hips, placing a pillow beneath them and lowering me back into place. “You did so good,” he whispers approvingly. “Such a good wife.”

Eventually the bed shifts again, and he’s gone, and I’m alone.

Chapter Fourteen


I lay in the bed,in the dark, the aftermath of Nathan’s savage fuck throbbing between my legs. Even when he’s gentle, it hurts. My mouth is dry and I want water, but I also don’t want to move. Maybe if I lie completely still, I’ll just die here, just sink right into this bed and disappear.

I breathe evenly, deeply, my breaths coming closer together as I fight back angry tears. I don’t want Nathan’s cum inside me, but I also don’t want to give him any reason to fuck me again. It’s not as if he can actually get me pregnant, assuming the test I took in the bathroom is correct. He can’t get me pregnant because I’m already pregnant. With Rome’s baby.

Oh, God.

I hold my hand flat against my stomach, imagining a new life growing right there, just beneath my fingertips. A life created with love, not hate. I have to stay alive, not just for Rome. But for his baby. Forourbaby.

I lay in the dark for what feels like hours. It’s probably only twenty minutes, but it feels like forever. This prison sentence may as well be forever. I’m in fucking purgatory.

The bedroom door bursts open, Nathan appearing at the end of the bed dressed in black pants, his chest bare. I jump, scared by the sudden noise, but I don’t dare move off the bed. I stay exactly where he’s told me to, the pillow under my hips damp with the cum that has slowly seeped out of me and turned cold. I’m shivering, despite the warm night, goosebumps littering my skin from head to toe.

Nathan has something in his hand. I crane my head to see what it is.

A blindfold.

My stomach turns, but I try my best to leave my face blank. He’s always goading me, always looking for a reaction.

“Your eyes always give you away, Aves,” he says, grabbing the pillow from under my hips and tossing it on the floor. I try to bring my knees and ankles together, but he makes a tutting sound, grabbing my ankles and dragging me down to the end of the bed. “I love this damn bed,” he says, running a hand along the post closest to him. “Perfect height for fucking.”

I roll my eyes. “Didn’t we just do that?” I ask.Do I really have to go a second round tonight?

Nathan chuckles. “Did you really think you could get away with just…that? Come on. The first one was for business. This one’s for pleasure.”

He brings the blindfold toward my face, anger twisting his features when I pull away. “You want your little shock collar back on, Avery?” he asks, his voice chillingly cruel.

I freeze, shaking my head.

“That’s what I thought.”

I let him press the black material against my face, trying desperately to stop myself from trembling. It doesn’t work. Nothing works.

“Hands by your sides,” he says. “Palms down. Don’t lift them up, or I’m getting the collar. Understand?”

I nod, barely able to suppress the sob that wants to leave my lips. I feel Nathan’s knuckles trace along my cheek tenderly. “You’re afraid,” he says. I nod furiously.

“Please just take the blindfold off,” I beg. I hate that I’m begging, but the dark… It terrifies me. It always has. Especially after the basement. Because of the basement.

“Hmm…” Nathan seems to be considering it. “I’ll make you a deal, dear wife.” Oh God, those words sting. “I’ll take the blindfold off as soon as you come.”

“What!?” I snap, my hands lifting off the bed, going for my blindfold. I’m inches from ripping it off when Nathan’s hand slaps the side of my head hard enough to make my teeth hum inside my mouth. “Hands on the bed,” he growls. “You are on your last fucking warning. Or do youwantthe collar?”

I shake my head furiously, hands back on the duvet once more.

I jump as Nathan’s fingers press against my clit, making light circles that quickly become more insistent. When his tongue touches me, I almost leap off the bed. Everything is still so tender after the first round. All I want to do is curl into a ball and sleep for ten years.Please, just let this be over soon.