Agony slams into my stomach as what I can only imagine is a fist punches me low in my pelvis. I groan loudly, trying to squeeze myself up into a ball to blunt the pain. Did he just hurt my baby?
“I said, stay fucking still,” Nathan says, his big palms pressing against my chest and upper thigh, preventing me from curling up or rolling onto my side. “Last chance.”
I can’t help it. I weep, broken, as he lifts his palms away and arranges my body once more. The blindfold is still on and I can’t see. I’m nothing. I’m nobody. I’m just a useless body, just a hole to fuck. I stare at the blackness of the silk eye mask and leave my body.
Whatever is seeping out of me is cold, which is oddly a relief. If my baby was hurt, if he’d caused me to miscarry, surely warm blood would be seeping from me. I have to believe he didn’t harm the tiny baby hiding out in my womb. I have to cling to that. Because if I let myself think for one second that I’ve lost the baby because of my disobedience, I’ll find the nearest sharp edge and end my fucking life as soon as I can.
The bed shifts, and hard, silken flesh touches my lips as my head is turned to the side. “Suck,” Nathan demands. “You bite me, I will take pliers and remove every last tooth in your pretty little mouth. Understood?”
I nod. He taps the head of his cock against my lips. “Open.”
I open my mouth, sucking his cock. He’s big enough that it hurts my jaw to take him in deeper, but he doesn’t care about my comfort. I disassociate, sucking his dick as if my life depends on it, because it actually fucking does. I do everything he says. I’m a fuck doll. A flesh light. I exist only to pleasure my villainous, duplicitious, murderous husband. A sob unexpectedly escapes my throat, muffled by the cock in my mouth. It’s the dawning grief blooming inside my soul at the loss of the person I thought Nathan was. My best friend. My confidante. My cousin.
All gone. All dead. Our relationship lies on top of lies. This is who he really is. Maybe the blindfold is a mercy, and not something to be afraid of. Because I cannot bear to look at the person I loved like the sun, and realize he has been the devil incarnate all along.
“I’ve got a surprise for you, Aves,” Nathan says. Fear registers in the back of my mind, but far away. Because I’m just a fuck doll, a flesh light. I’m just a pussy and a mouth. I’m nothing. It’s … easier, this way, to float away and just do exactly what he wants me to do. To give up. To swirl my tongue against the head of his cock and suck harder and take him deeper and do whatever he fucking wants.
I don’t wonder what the surprise is, not really. Truthfully, I don’t care. Whatever it is, it’s going to hurt. Nathan pulls out of my mouth, a string of drool painting across my shoulder as the bed shifts again. Hands are pulling me down to the very edge of the bed, so my ass is on the very edge, my knees bent, hips pushed back.
“Wider,” he demands. I spread my legs as wide as I can, and then he uses force to go even beyond that, to the point of pain. My hips ache. I stay away, floating on the ceiling, in the dark, my body just a vessel now.
Without warning, he enters me. He’s rough, and his cum from the last round has mostly dried, so I’m hardly wet at all. I cry out, a moan of pain that could be mistaken for pleasure. He ruts into me, hurting me, slamming against my cervix over and over again as his fingers grip my thighs to the point of bruises. I want to beg him to be gentle, but I don’t know how to do that without revealing why I need him to be gentle.
Please don’t hurt my baby. Please don’t kill my baby.
If he thinks I’m into this, will he relent? How can I distract him? How can I protect my innocent baby?
I can’t. That realization, that I can’t protect my little one from this… It’s fucking devastating. Nathan will do whatever he wants to me, and there’s nothing I can do.
“Please,” I beg anyway, pitiful creature that I have become. My voice is a jagged whisper against the devil himself. “It hurts. You’re hurting me.”
He slows a little, and the pain eases. I blink away tears, my eyelashes scratching against the silk blindfold as my entire body shakes uncontrollably. What a fucking day, I think to myself. Married to a monster, positive pregnancy test to my actual husband, and now this. No wonder I’m goddamn exhausted. This existence of mine, it’s … well, it’s a lot.
“You’re going to make yourself come, little wife,” Nathan says. He takes one of my hands and guides it down, setting my fingers at my clit. I let it sit there as if I’m paralysed, as he continues to saw into me. I’m dry as the fucking sahara, so this is hardly pleasant. I shake my head. “I can’t.”
“You want me to hit you again?” Nathan asks. “You want the collar?”
Swearing under my breath, I begin to rub myself. At first, it’s like nothing. Like I’m scratching an itch. But my fucking body doesn’t know that I’m terrified - or, it doesn’t give a shit. I feel myself get wetter as my fingers half-heartedly swirl around my tight bundle of nerves, blood rushing to my cheeks, pleasure centers pinging all over my body.
“I want you to take your blindfold off and look at me when you come,” Nathan says, obviously turned on as hell. His voice is practically dripping with sexual pleasure. His fingertips skate along my skin, so softly, and it feels good, damn it. Now that he’s backed off on the rough fucking, even his cock slamming into me feels good. I hate that. I hate that my body is responding to his machinations. It’s exactly what he wants.
“Are you close?”
I nod. I wish I weren’t. But my legs are starting to tremble and that delicious white haze is juuust starting to flood my body. I forget the bit about removing my blindfold, but Nathan remembers for me. His hands are still gripping my thighs as he slams into me, as soft fingers begin to slide my blindfold off my face, but wait- that- - it’s too many hands.What the fuck?
I stiffen, my entire body lighting up as I orgasm, as my pussy clamps down on Nathan’s cock pushing into me, only it’s not him, it’s…
Tyler Capulet.
A loud sound escapes me, a choking, sobbing howl of misery and pleasure that rips through every cell in my being, as I stare at the face from my nightmares.
Tyler Capulet.
I stare into his eyes, dark green and furious as he stares back. He’s enjoying this, I can see, enjoying the vindication of being able to finally do the very thing he’s been punished for all these years. He takes one hand from my thigh and whacks me across the face.
As my orgasm fades, I kick with my legs, my hands coming up to scratch and punch and get him off of me. Out of me. I look around wildly, my eyes still adjusting to the light of the dim room, just as Nathan smiles at me from the edge of the bed.
Where he’s pointing an iphone at me.