He puts his fingers in his mouth. “Mmm. Tastes better when you’re afraid.”

I don’t know what to say to that. I don’t know how to rid myself of the disgust and the fear and the pain. Maybe that’s all I am now. Maybe that’s all I’ll ever be.

Abruptly, he takes me in his arms and flips me over, facedown. My legs dangle off the edge of the bed, almost touching the floor.

“Enough talking.” There’s no delay for a condom, not now.

Nathan pulls me back onto his cock, shoving into me as hard as I thought he would, and wet or not it comes with a screeching pain. I wasn’t ready. He grunts and lifts me up by the hips, pushing me further onto the bed to get a better angle. Fuck, he’s going deep, so deep that it hurts. What’s worse is that he’s right—my body responds. It’s trying to save itself. A tear slips out. Not another one. I won’t let it happen.

He thrusts harder. He’s going to seriously hurt me if he doesn’t stop. I need an excuse. Any excuse. And I have to make it without giving myself away.

“So much better raw,” he murmurs. “You’re so wet.Fuck.”

“Nathan,” I gasp. “Please.”

“Better if you keep your mouth closed, Aves.”

“You can’t even look me in the eye when you rape me, you fucking coward?” I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth.

Nathan stills, pausing mid-fuck as I bite back a whimper. I want to take it back, to tell him I didn’t mean it, but it’s too late. It’s always been too late. To not have to look at him as he did this was a mercy - one he will now strip me of.

Nathan flips me over like I’m a ragdoll, his moves effortless. I come face-to-face with a smirk and those eyes so similar to mine -- brown, gold-flecked, bottomless - and swallow a scream.Please let this baby have my eyes, I think. If it comes out with Rome’s blue eyes, Nathan won’t let it live through its first hour earthside.

He runs the back of his knuckles down my cheek; I shudder in response. “I know this is hard for you, Avery,” he says, a savage kind of kindness in his voice that shouldn’t be possible for a monster like him. “This is not how you thought your life would go. I thought you might like to avoid eye contact the first time. Do you prefer me to drug you? I have some more of that good stuff. It makes girls like youbegto be fucked. Jennifer, she loved it, too.”

The baby, the baby, my mind screams. I can hardly pull up a fucking google search right now and type inDo date rape drugs hurt a developing fetus, but I’’m pretty sure such strong, restricted drugs can’t be a good thing around a tiny, defenceless baby trying to grow big and strong enough to be born.

“N-no,” I stammer. “I want to be cognizant. I want to know exactly what you do to me.”

He drops his smile. “Fine. I’ll try to make it good for you,wife.” He reaches down, fisting his erection as he guides it back toward my throbbing pussy. I brace for the intrusion, and Nathan doesn’t attempt to be gentle as he pushes into me in one rough stroke. I moan in pain, still fragile from the litany of horror he orchestrated upon my body and soul in that basement of horrors. Nathan takes it for a moan of pleasure. “See,” he says, starting to move, “It’s not so bad. Lay back and enjoy this like a good little whore.”

He’s so rough. I wince at every stroke.

“It’s better if it’s gentle.” I want to die, telling him that, but I read it in a magazine somewhere and even if I hadn’t I could sell it right now to get him to stop. He’s going to make me bleed, at this rate. “It makes it more likely for me to get pregnant.”

He slows down, still sawing in and out of me with my hips in a tight grip. “Sounds like bullshit.”

“It’s true.” I let my head fall back into the covers. “Please, Nathan. It hurts.”

“Tell me more,” He still hasn’t stopped fucking me, but he reaches forward and fists my hair, tugging my face up so we’re nose-to-nose.

“You really want to make a baby with violence? It’s our wedding night.”

Those words seem to sink in. A switch flips. Nathan pulls out, enters me again, slower this time. He raises his eyebrows as if to seek my approval.

I turn my face to the side. The next words taste like bitter ash. “Thank you.”

His thumb comes down on my clit again, and I am back on that table in that basement. I will never be out of that basement, no matter how long I live. Nathan stops and leans down to press kisses to my nipples, and it feels good. They’re so sensitive, and it feels amazing. A horrific pleasure rips through me.I don’t want this. Please, I don’t want this. I bite the words back and swallow them whole. I’d rather have outright violence. What he was doing before—it was easier.

But he could hurt me, being violent. And if he hurts the baby I will never forgive myself.

“I almost hope it doesn’t work the first time,” Nathan says. “Raping a baby into you is going to be the best fuck I’ll ever have.”

An orgasm builds between my legs as Nathan doesn’t stop. Slow circle after slow circle brings me up and up and up until I can’t stop it. Until I come with my hands balled up in the blankets. Until I come again, moaning into his mouth, tears streaming down my face. I was right—once they start, it’s hard to stop.

It’s the tears that drive Nathan to the very edge. He kisses at the salty tracks with his lips, his tongue darting out to catch every last drop of my sorrow. Then he stiffens, his entire body pausing for a moment as he presses his fingers more insistently against my swollen bundle of nerves. An anguished orgasm tears out of me with a sob, shaking my body, and Nathan fucks me through the whole horrible, white-hot wave of endorphins. He fucks me harder, the first spurt of cum hot inside my ravaged pussy as he thrusts and thrusts.

Finally,finally, he’s emptied himself. He stays there for several moments, his forehead resting against my chest as he catches his breath.