Page 82 of Taming Dahlia

“We need to get you out of here as soon as possible,” Jack declared, his words carrying an urgency that only fueled my growing anxiety.

“And we need to come up with a new plan. There’s no doubt that Lorenzo had already told the Don about all of this—” King interjected, only to be interrupted by the creaking sound of the front door swinging open.

Ace walked in, his eyes jumping between King, Jack and me.

“Considering the look on your faces, I’m guessing that you found out about Lorenzo.”

“How doyouknow about that?’ King asked.

“The Don called me to his office earlier, wanting to have a talk with me.”

“And what did he say?”

“He said that he was aware thatshe—” Ace pointed a finger at me. —“was still alive. And that we need to get rid of her. There was also some talk about punishments, but that isn’t so important at the moment.”

“So we’re fucked, that’s what you’re saying,” I bluntly stated, and he shrugged.

“Pretty much.”

“No, we’re not yet,” King cut in, voice strong and sure. “We just need to think of a different plan.”

“A better one, as I doubt that the Don will trust our word again,” Jack muttered and Ace snapped his fingers at him. I could see an idea lighting up in his eyes.

“We just need to bring him proof!”

“Of me being dead?”


Oh, well. If it was only that…

King must have sensed my unease because he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “It will be fine. We’ll think of something.”

I took in a deep breath, finding some solace in how determined they appeared to be, as though this was just a slight bump in the road and nothing more.

I slowly exhaled.

Yeah, okay. Everything was fine.

I trusted them with my life —and wasn’t that a horrifying thought? —and I was certain that as long as I had them on my side, everything was going to be alright.

* * *

We spent the entire evening devising our next move, and — after breaking into a couple of arguments and making a few phone calls — another, much different plan was completed.

The only thing left to do now was to wait until morning.However, even thinking about falling asleep was impossible. A myriad of uncertainties danced through my mind, all the ways the plan could go off the rails ran through my head.

With a groan, I rolled over and fumbled for the lamp. The shadows clung to the corners of the room, mirroring the lingering doubts in my mind. Deciding that falling asleep was a helpless cause, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs, where a glow was emanating from the living room. It seemed that there was someone else who also shared my restlessness.

I found King seated on the couch, his head bowed as he stared into a glass of water. I dropped beside him, snuggling against his shoulder and his arm settled around me.

“What are you still doing up?”

“I could ask you the same thing. You have a long day waiting for you tomorrow,” he replied.

“I know. I’d like to sleep too, but I can’t seem to turn off my brain.” I nuzzled my cheek into the warmth of his neck, inhaling. “You’re warm as a furnace.”

“Are you sure that you aren’t sleepy?” He chuckled.