Page 83 of Taming Dahlia

“I’m fine,” I insisted, but a yawn betrayed me.

“Come on, lay down.”

He pulled me back until we found ourselves sprawled sideways on the couch — a snug fit that had me almost lying atop him, my leg draped over his waist. His thumb traced comforting circles on my shoulder.

“Tell me about what worries you, Maybe I can help.”

Was there anything that I wasn’t worried about?

“Everything.” I gave him a dry chuckle.

“I’m worried about tomorrow. What if the Don gets word about what we’re doing?”

I knew what was going to happen to me, but what about them?

From what I’d heard, the Don wasn’t a very forgiving sort of man.

“Maybe you should have just left me to die when I was supposed to. I’m bringing you guys nothing but trouble.”

King’s embrace tightened around me. “Never say that,” he spoke firmly into my hair. “Your life is worth a lot more than dying for a man that doesn’t deserve it. You’ll get out and go on to have a long and happy life, away from all this shit.”

His words sounded like a promise and it made my eyes sting.

Why were they so…

Having to leave them felt like my heart was going to break in half.

“You know, I sometimes feel like I’ve known you guys forever, even if it has only been just a few months.”

King laughed softly. “I feel the same way.”

My fingers traced the tattoo on his bicep, identical to those Jack and Ace bore—a black and white flower. The only difference was that Jack had it on his shoulder blade while Ace’s was placed on his chest.

“I think I sometimes forget that I don’t actually know that much about you.”

It was painful to think that there were so many things that I’d never get a chance to find out.

“Ask me something, then.”

“Like what?” I asked, my lips brushing against his chest.

“Anything. Whatever you want.”

“I don’t know… It’s hard to think of anything when you’re put on the spot.” I nibbled on my bottom lip.

Let’s see…

“Umm… how old are you?”

“Jack and I both are twenty-three, with him being four months older than me. And Ace is a year younger than us.”

“You guys are so young,” I murmured against his warm skin. They must have been teenagers, at the very least, when they first started working for the Don.Speaking of…

“How did you guys even start working for the Don?”

King let out a long hum at that. “That’s a long story.”

“I have time,” I assured him.