Page 72 of Taming Dahlia

It was probably Ace, the bottomless pit.

But then yet another noise reached my ears, this one louder than the one from before.

I propped up myself on my elbows and looked at the door.

It was probably nothing. Most likely, it was one of the guys, and even if it wasn’t, there were armed guards all over the place, stationed at every corner.

I didn’t lie back on the bed, though.

It wouldn’t be impossible for someone to break in if they were really determined to, even with all the guards. If I had managed to think of a plan to leave this place, then finding a way to quietly enter wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility.

I very slowly got up, the mattress creaking slightly beneath me. My footsteps were light as I walked up to the door.

I didn’t know what I was going to find behind it. It could be one of the guys, or someone else, but the one trick that I’d learned when facing an unknown enemy was to come out swinging.

In a situation like this, you only had the element of surprise on your side. The primary aim was to catch your opponents off guard by being faster and stronger than what they were anticipating.

I gripped the handle of my door and threw it open — slamming it straight into an unfamiliar man standing outside my room. Before he could get his bearings back, I struck my elbow into his nose, hard. The stranger tried to step back, but I gripped him tightly by the shirt and hauled him over the side of the stair railing.

I didn’t wait for him to hit the ground before I moved for the second man who came up behind him. He made a move to point his gun at me, but I was faster, grabbing the hand he had wrapped around his gun, and slamming it into the wall. His fingers crunched and the gun fell loose from his grip. I caught it and used it to strike my opponent’s temple, making him collapse against the wall, unconscious.

Glancing down, I noticed the man I threw over the railing had gotten back on his feet and was aiming his gun at me. I quickly threw myself over the side of the staircase, dropping too fast for him to line up a shot. Thinking that it would be a shame to waste any bullets on him without yet knowing if there were any more intruders, I struck the gun out of his hand and punched him in the stomach. As he doubled over, I used the opportunity to smack my gun handle hard across his face and he went down hard, like a heavy sack of potatoes.

All of this occurred in the span of a few minutes in almost complete silence.

While I was thinking about what to do next, I felt yet another presence behind me and as I turned around, I found myself pointing my gun right at Jack’s face.

The darkness made it difficult to see his expression, but he just brushed the nuzzle aside with his hand and made a shushing motion with his finger, cocking his head to the left.

I nodded and followed the silent instruction, plastering myself firmly against the wall.

Jack did the same on the other side.

As the living room slowly came into view, I slotted the magazine into the gun hard enough to lock it in place and pulled the slide back. There was a click as the round entered the chamber. In the dark, I could see the silhouettes of two men standing in the middle of the room.

I aimed and fired two shots.

The men fell down but a couple of more came up behind them, drawn by the noise. Shots rang out in quick succession, with just enough space between them to allow me to steady the gun from the recoil.

A bullet pierced the wall next to me, and I drew back for cover. After making eye contact with Jack, my ears rang with gunfire as he gave me enough time to move to the other side of the room. Finding a safer position, out of the corner of my eye, I could see King near the entrance of the balcony, joining in on the fire.

My fingers clenched tightly around the grip of the pistol in my hand.

I took my finger off the trigger.

It was very hard to see much in the dark.

I could leave now.

In between all of the chaos, it would be the easiest thing in the world to slip away, with no one none the wiser. No one would be able to stop me.

But then I saw a gun pointed at King’s head and my brain was filled with static.

I saw red.

I slid out from cover and fired two consecutive shots right into that man’s chest, but then another gunshot split the air near my head and I pressed back against the wall again.

I inched my head out, just enough so I could make out who was firing on me. There was another figure in the room slowly advancing on me, gun drawn, ready to fire.