Page 73 of Taming Dahlia

Where the hell were all these people even coming from?

And where were the guards?

I had my gun raised before I heard a loud shot echo from behind me, followed by the body of my would-be killer hitting the ground.

I whirled around and came face to face with Ace.

“You ok?” he whispered, and at my nod, he immediately grabbed my wrist and started pulling me in another direction.

More gunshots cracked through the air as we ducked for cover, but Ace didn’t stop running and just continued to drag me away. I couldn’t even keep track of where we were going with how dark it was and how fast we were moving until Ace abruptly halted in front of a door and slammed it open. We ran down the stairs in a hurry, and at the bottom, I could see the flashing headlights of a car ahead.

We were in the garage.The obvious answer made its way into my head for a split second.

I heard more footsteps approaching us from behind, but when I looked over my shoulder, to my immense relief, I found that it was just King.

“Get in! Now!” Jack barked, and I threw myself into the backseat, the door slamming shut behind me just as a bullet whizzed by.

The engine roared to life, drowning out the chaotic symphony of danger outside. The tires screeched as they peeled away, a cascade of gunshots echoing behind us.

Finally safe in the car, I released a sigh of relief.

I scanned the shadows around us for any sign of danger, but I found nothing other than the indistinct shapes of trees whizzing past us in a swift blur.

In the backseat, I could basically feel Ace fuming, but no one was willing to break the silence just yet. It still wasn’t safe enough to relax, not when we still weren’t sure if the danger had completely passed. So we continued to stay quiet for the rest of the drive to who knows where, until the car suddenly came to a stop at a clearing.

Immediately jumping out, King took out his phone and proceeded to make a call to someone.

Meanwhile, Ace’s voice was thunderous as he gritted out, “Who the fuck would dare to attack us in our own home?”

Jack just silently shook his head, but I could see his mind working a mile a minute as he considered all the possibilities. I was sure that they had many enemies, and yet…

“It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s Francesco,” I commented, and both of them turned their attention towards me. “I mean… he tried to get to the Don before and failed. Now he has turned his sight on you, thinking that you were an easier target. Your deaths would undoubtedly deliver a heavy blow to the Don, leaving him weakened.”

After my apparent failure, it was surprising that Francesco hadn’t tried to do anything else. It was only now that I realized that he had been patiently waiting all these months for theperfect opportunity to strike. They should seriously consider ramping up the security after today.

“I thought so, too,” Jack agreed with me, seeming like he had been expecting it, as well. “But let’s hear what King has to say first.”

I nodded, then opened the car door and stepped out. King’s voice washed over me like a calming wave as I heard him speaking on the phone behind me. Looking over the cliff, I took in the sight of the sprawling city below, its buildings reaching toward the sky.

It almost seemed like it was alive — a living, breathing entity with a heartbeat that resonated through the night, humming with activity. The lights of the city glimmered like tiny stars in the distance and the cold night air caressed my skin, while the wind whispered in my ears.

I closed my eyes and let the chilly breeze dance through my hair.

I had let the chance to escape slip right through my fingers, hadn’t I?

But then I opened my eyes and looked back at King, and I couldn’t find it in myself to regret it.

There will always be more opportunities for an escape in the future. King losing his life over it wouldn’t have been worth it, no matter how much I desired my freedom.

I took a moment to savor the sensation of fresh air filling my lungs as I continued to look over the city skyline.

Behind me, I heard King getting off the phone call.

“Well?” Ace asked as he and Jack stepped out of the vehicle.

King put the phone back in his pocket. “We should go. I’ll fill you in on the way back.”

“We need to go back already?” I asked, not quite managing to keep the disappointment out of my voice.