I wondered if he saw me as some sort of pet — one he needed to check in on periodically and bring water and treats to.
It was a couple of days into my confinement when I finally broke and asked him, point blank, “What do you want from me?”
King’s movements halted, the tray of food he had just bought me suspended in midair for a moment. It was the first time I had spoken to him willingly since he had kidnapped me.
King placed the tray on the nightstand next to my bed before straightening up again.
I scoffed, finding that hard to believe.As if I was that naïve.
“Come on, everyone wants something. Just tell me, don’t be shy. What is it?”
King’s gaze locked onto mine, but he remained silent.
I took the opportunity to subtly study the man in front of me in turn.
He was well-dressed and clean-shaven — like he was trying to imitate a gentleman and not appear like the thug that he most certainly was. The way he moved and talked was confident and self-assured, as if there was nothing that could possibly touch him.
This persona worked for him, I could give him that.
“Do you want to fuck me? Is that it?” I questioned as I nestled back into the pillows. “I’d let you, you know. If you let me go afterward.”
I could feel his eyes tracing an invisible line along my body and I let myself burrow more comfortably into the cushions.
“And how are you so sure that I’d keep my end of the deal?” he asked, and I made an effort to smile, even though I was sure that it came across as more of a grimace.
“I’m just that good.”
There was a moment in which I thought that he was going to take me up on my offer, but then he moved away from me with a placating smile.
“Eat your food,” he said, before closing the door behind him. I resisted the urge to throw a pillow against it.
My lips sealed shut once more.
Things turned back to normal, or as normal as this situation could be — King would bring me food and I’d stubbornly stay quiet when he tried to talk to me — but then, an unexpected guest paid me a visit a couple of days later.
I had been dosing off, on the verge of falling asleep, when I heard the door open. It startled me since it wasn’t dinner time yet, and King had always been very punctual.
My suspicions were confirmed when I glanced towards the doorway and saw another man leaning against it. He flashed me a broad smile as he swaggered into my room.
He had left the door cracked open behind him.I made a mental note in my head.
It took me a second to place him as the one who used the electric prod on me that night — the curly-haired one who seemed to enjoy the act a little bit too much.
“Oh look, King’s got himself a new pet,” the man mirthfully commented, and the leer he gave me made me want to dive back under the covers. “I should really ask him to let me borrow you sometimes.”
“How about you go fuck yourself instead?” I snapped back.
To my surprise, he didn’t get angry and instead just let out an amused little laugh in response to my words.
“Ah… sofeisty.”
I tried not to show any emotions that I could feel brewing inside me, threatening to spill over.
Just how amusing must I seem to him, kept under a key like an animal at the zoo?
“Who are you?” I gritted out, getting tired of him invading my personal space.