Page 14 of Taming Dahlia

At least King brought me food. This one was just mocking me.

“I’m Ace.” He finally introduced himself and bowed before me with a theatrical flourish. “Your roommate, a couple of doors over.”

That was unexpected. I had been under the impression that the only one living here was King, but then again, it wasn’t like I had ever passed over the threshold of this room. Maybe there were other people staying here, as well. That could open up some new possibilities.

“Well …Ace. If you’re done, would you kindly fuck off and leave me alone?”

The man let out another loud laugh, but he actually listened to me this time and began to step backward.

“Only because you asked me so nicely.”

I kept waiting for Ace to show up again after that day, but it seemed that he couldn’t be bothered to do it again, for which I was thankful. Nevertheless, no matter how unwelcome his visit had been, it had started to get me thinking.

I should really try and get to know my captors a little better.

From the looks of it, King was happy to just keep me here against my will, no matter how unresponsive I was. But while I still couldn’t see what his end goal was, I was sure that it would come to light, eventually.

It was like I told him — I had yet to meet a person who didn’t want something from someone else, whether that be sex, money, favors… And it seemed that my tactic of acting passive and apathetic until King eventually snapped and showed his true colors just wasn’t cutting it.

I needed to try something else.

To get more personal.

I found my chance to do exactly that the next time King brought me food. From the moment he entered my room, I could see that he was in a bad mood. I weighed in my mind whetherit was a good idea to bring it up now, but being locked up for so long started to drive me stir-crazy, so I decided to just go for it.

“Aren’t you going to ask me how I am?” I asked him as he placed today’s lunch on the nightstand. At least the food he gave me was one of the things that I couldn’t find any complaints about. It was always delicious.

I caught a brief glimpse of surprise crossing King’s face, but then it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.

“Of course, I apologize. I’ve had a long day. Ludovica, how are you?”

The unfamiliar name briefly took me out before I remembered that it was the alias that I had used to get close to the Don.

So they still didn’t know who I really was…

That meant that it would be harder for them to track me down when I managed to escape.

“I’m just great,” I said, then had to remind myself to tone down the sarcasm a little. “You?”

“I’m fine, too.” He sounded slightly confused, most likely not expecting me to start up the conversation.

“Great.” I picked at my nails, telling myself to just get this over with. The worst thing that could happen was him asking me for something in return, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t already do whatever he wanted with me.

Here goes nothing.

“I’m going to be honest with you. I’m starting to go crazy just sitting here alone in this room. I want to go out. I have no idea what you want from me, so just tell me what I need to do. I can like… I don’t know, fucking… clean or cook for you or something else, whatever you want.Just. Let. Me. Out. Of. Here.”

When the dam burst, there was no way of stopping it, and I had to take a minute after to just catch my breath.

King just stared at me in complete silence.

“I can make a mean apple pie,” I tried to persuasively add at the end.

That made him chuckle, at least. He shook his head. “We already have a cook.”

But then — just when I thought that he was going to shut me down — he reached a hand into his back pocket.

“But alright.”