Page 70 of Cry Wolf

“You could be right.” She eased back against the couch. “Why didn’t Sheriff Kennard find him when he investigated? I mean if this guy lived in the county, it wouldn’t have been that tough.”

“Chances are high that he doesn’t and that he was paid to kill Matt. Hit men are difficult to trace. But now that I’ve actually seen him and others can no longer deny that he exists, I can use my contacts with the Fed to see what we can come up with. From what I have read on the case, Kennard did all he could. We can double-check in the box of stuff he gave me to make sure.” He sensed turmoil growing in Dania.

He wished he could spare her. She needed to move forward. He’d learned at a very young age that torturing himself about the tragedy in his life didn’t solve anything. “What took place back then won’t help our given situation of finding you a new hiding place.”

“I know.” She turned, facing him. “I just can’t stand the thought that if we don’t succeed, I may never see Jacob again.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I’ll never hold my little boy in my arms and tell him how much I love him. Or how much his father would have loved him.” A tear spilled down her cheek. “Matthew didn’t know I was pregnant.”

Brett couldn’t stand it. He pulled her to him, holding her tight. This was where she belonged, next to him, where he could keep her safe.

She cried into his shoulder, her body shuddering as she quietly sobbed.

He stroked his hand over her back. He wished he could take on her pain and relieve her of the grief she’d been carrying for so long, grief she’d never get over until they found the man who had killed Matt and whoever had paid him to do it. The legal system that was supposed to deliver justice had failed Dania big-time. If it was the last thing he did, Brett would find Matt’s killer. He leaned his head next to hers and said into her hair, “It’s going to be okay.”

She tilted her head back, staring into his eyes, her face wet with tears.

Oh, how he cared for this woman. He wished he could say it out loud, but knew this was not the time or place. All he could do was be here for her.

Spying a box of tissues on the coffee table, he grabbed them and gave her a tissue.

She gladly took it, blew her nose, and dried her cheeks. She looked at his shoulder and pulled out more tissues. Wiping his shirt, she said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to melt down like that.”

“It’s okay.” He took her hand, stopping her from fussing. “You’ve kept it bottled up for years, and after all you’ve been through today, it was bound to come out. You can cry on my shoulder anytime.” He smoothed her hair behind her ear. “I’m here for you. Always will be.”

Her bottom lip quivered. New tears brimmed in her eyes. “Thank you.”

He drew her to him.

She placed her head on his damp shoulder.

“You know what you need?” he asked.

“The list is too long. Don’t make me go over it.” She sniffed.

He hugged her closer. “What you need is to sleep.”

“We both do.” She yawned and closed her eyes.

Brett leaned his head against the couch. His list was long as well, and he put going to Wheeler Land Management and asking Val and Eli if they knew anyone missing fingers at the top of things to do tomorrow, right after finding a place for Dania to hide.

He closed his eyes and drifted off.

* * *

Dania sat in her hospital bed, holding her baby in her arms. She marveled at all the hair he had and how much he looked like Matthew. She could hear Matthew talking in the hallway. He would walk through the door any minute. She could hardly wait to see him and for him to see their child, the baby they’d created. He’d be thrilled.

The door started to open. He was coming. She eagerly waited for him to appear, but instead, Walter walked in. His stern face held no smile. No congratulations. Only condemnation. “There she is.” He pointed at her. “She killed my son.”

A couple of policemen sprinted past him.

“No! Matthew!” Where was he? She’d heard his voice. He couldn’t be far. “Matthew!”

The baby wailed. She rocked back and forth, but the infant became more and more upset until he vanished in her arms.

Dania awoke with a start. Early-morning light filled the room. Even though awake, she could still hear a baby crying.

Sitting beside her on the couch was Brett, sound asleep. That was right. She was at Hayley’s. The baby crying was Hayley’s. Dania eased away from Brett, careful not to wake him, then she flew down the hall to the nursery.

The baby’s little face was red and all scrunched. His tiny mouth opened like a baby bird’s as he wailed.