Page 71 of Cry Wolf

“There, there.” Dania picked him up. She’d change him and take him to Hayley. “I know. You’re hungry.” She should have asked Hayley when the baby was delivered if she was going to nurse the child. But it had been so long since Dania had delivered a baby that she’d forgotten. It had only been a few hours; she was sure the baby would be fine.

She carefully laid him on the dressing table and looked in the drawers for a pacifier. She found one and coaxed the little fella to take it. She quickly changed him and wrapped him in another soft blanket. “Let’s see if your mommy’s awake.”

Cradling the infant in her arms, she carried him to the master bedroom.

A sleepy-eyed Hayley sat at the edge of her bed. She, too, must have heard the baby fussing and planned to help.

Looking at Dania and the small bundle she carried, Hayley asked, “Is he okay?”

“Yes, he just misses his momma. Plus, he’s probably hungry. Do you plan to nurse?” She took the baby to her and was about to place him in his mother’s waiting arms when Hayley stopped her. “Yes, but can you help me to the bathroom first?” Hayley gazed at her baby, and a smile pulled at her drawn face.

“Sure.” Dania quickly retraced her steps to the nursery to put the baby in his crib but found Brett standing in the doorway. “Good. Here.” She reached to give him the infant. The pacifier fell from the baby’s mouth, making him cry.

Brett hesitated a moment, then took the babe, holding him out and away from his body.

Dania chuckled. “Put him right up against your chest.” She placed the baby on him and positioned Brett’s hands to hold the infant securely.

Brett rocked back and forth.

“See. You already know what to do.” She scooped up the pacifier and made a mental note to sanitize it, then hurried to Hayley and helped her up. She walked with her to the bathroom door.

“I can take it from here.” Hayley stepped away. “I was just feeling a little woozy when I tried to get up before.”

“That’s to be expected.”

Hayley stepped into the small bathroom and closed the door.

“I’ll wait right here.” Dania wanted to reassure her, but she was glad Hayley was able to be more independent. With Hayley feeling stronger, Dania might be able to question her about the guy Brett had encountered. She noticed the baby had quit crying. Brett was better at babysitting than she’d believed he’d be.

She heard the toilet flush and water run in the sink. The door opened. Hayley had combed her hair and looked a little better. She didn’t reach for support from Dania as she returned to her room. Brett soon followed with the child.

He smiled at them, his face beaming. “I got him to sleep,” he softly said.

“Good job.” Dania fluffed the pillows for Hayley as the woman crawled into bed.

Settled, Hayley reached for her baby. “It’s my turn now. It’s time for him to eat.”

Brett excused himself and left the room.

Though mother and child were an idyllic scene, Dania had an important matter to discuss. “Hayley, did you know the guy who got away from Brett last night?”

“I have no idea who he could be.” Hayley looked at her, then back at her baby.

Dania didn’t know if she told the truth or not.

“That man could have been the person who killed my husband.” She hated to just blurt it out but had to. “It’s important that you tell me the truth.”

“I swear on my baby’s life, I don’t know who he was.” She scowled.

“Okay then.” Dania backed off. Trying to dispel the tension that had arisen, she asked, “Brett and I really need to get going, but why don’t I fix us all some breakfast? What do you feel like eating?” She looked at Hayley and smiled.

“Is there any way you could stay a little longer? Since I was the oldest in my family, I helped Mom a lot when she gave birth to my brothers and sisters, but this is my first baby.” Her brows bunched together as she pleaded.

“I’ll ask Brett. But I can’t make any promises.” Hayley would need to get her strength back as soon as possible so she could take care of her child on her own.

The mother stared at her infant, not looking at Dania. “Whatever you feel like cooking would be fine. I stocked up with groceries a day ago.”

Dania left and found Brett in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with his arms folded.