Kelly: Not bad thanks. How’s your day going?
Dex: Just heading to base now. Are you home?
Kelly: I am, but due on base shortly, come find me if you have time.
Dex: I’ll make time. See you later x
He smiled and put his phone in his pocket. This relationship, friendship or whatever it was, had been a lifeline for him. He needed Kelly more than she realized right now.
“Here you go, handsome.” Cara winked, handing him his drink.
“Thank you, beautiful.” Taking the coffee, he stepped back outside into the morning sunshine and spotted the envelope on his windshield. He’d been in there less than ten minutes. What the fuck? How was he missing this shit?
Grabbing the envelope, he ripped it open. The handwritten note read: Have you worked out who I am yet, what I’ve done?
Not even bothering to call, he snapped a picture of it and sent it to Ryan with a text:
On my windshield outside coffee shop. Be there shortly.
Slinging the envelope on the passenger seat, Dex started the engine. This was getting ridiculous. Someone was following him, threatening him, and he had no fucking idea who it could be.
By the time he arrived at The Farm he was in a foul mood. Sam was waiting for him when he cleared security.
‘Sam.” He didn’t bother forcing a smile. “Please tell me you got something.”
“No. I have NSA looking into a few things. I also just got off the phone with my contact at CIA. Ahmed Khalini is getting desperate, asking for a deal.”
“What kind of deal?’
“Nicer hole to die in, in exchange for information on the attacks.”
“Are they going to give him it?”
Sam snorted. “Not a chance. But they’ll make him believe he’s getting something if it gets him talking.”
“Has he said anything about Lazir?”
“Repeatedly claims he’s dead.”
“He’s not.” Dex shook his head.
“Yeah. I agree. We would have heard about it if he was. Plus, the chatter around Reborn and what they’re planning is still ongoing. He’s alive and is just staying underground.”
“That fucker has way too much financial support. Could stay hidden for years.”
“I know. We’re looking at the money trail too.”
Dex sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
“How are you feeling?”
Sam’s question took him by surprise. “Got some sleep, so better.”
“Dex, I know this sucks, but whoever is doing this is toying with you to get under your skin. Don’t let him. Just make sure your six is covered.” The two men began walking to the kitchen where the rest of the team were gathered.
“Copy that. Nyx back yet?” They still hadn’t met them.
“No. They should be wrapping things up soon.”