Page 23 of No Regrets

Dex held back a sigh as he leaned back against his deck chair, loosening his tie. It didn't

sound like it was going to be good news.

“The coms equipment has been checked and tested and not deemed to be faulty. Which I know is no surprise to you. Also, the helo you secured for exfil, the pilot said that he was obeying orders from you.”

Fuck! They really had spoken to everyone. Tyler had arranged the helo, but Dex had told him to tell the pilot he was obeying his orders if anyone asked. Dex had no desire to land anyone else in trouble.

“The recommendation was to move forward with a court martial hearing.”

“So, no review board, straight to a court martial?” He pinched the bridge of his nose.

“I said it was the recommendation.”

Dex sat up straight, trying to grasp what Joe was trying to tell him.


“For now, they’re moving forward with the review board hearing. I can speak for you, and you will get a chance to defend yourself as was agreed. After that, they can still move to a court martial if they choose to. I’m hoping that won’t be the case.”

“Do we have a date for the hearing?”

“Next week. As soon as I get a day and time, you will know. You can have counsel if you want it. You know that, right?”

“I do sir, but I don’t need it. I plan to tell the truth. I don’t need counseling on that.”

“All right. If you change your mind, let me know.” Joe paused before asking, “How you holding up, Dex?”


He knew he could speak off the record with Joe, but this was a whole different ballgame they were playing.

“Yeah, this can stay between us.”

“I feel like this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. I expected to answer to it but a court martial?” Dex was struggling to see what was so wrong with what he did.

“It’s the accumulation of everything, Dex. Too many eyes were on this and consequently too many people higher than me know what happened. It’s not just disobeying an order; it’s manipulating your position to make others follow your orders. Your pilot, the helo, even your team.”

“My team knew what I was doing.”

“And you knew they would follow you. They would not stand by and watch you do it alone.”

Joe was right, he had known that. Hell, Ryan had told him they were on board with whatever he wanted to do. He hadn’t tried to stop them.

“What about the team, is there any news on what’s happening with them?”

“That will get decided once they decide on you.”

“Fuck, Joe, they’re losing sight of the fact that we brought her home and we’re all alive.”

“And that is what will hopefully keep you out of a court martial and the rest of your team intact. No one wants to lose a whole team. You guys are too good, and it costs the taxpayers way too much money to train men like you.”

“But sacrificing one isn’t so bad.” Dex closed his eyes, his head throbbing. They could make an example out of him if it saved his team, but hell, it would suck.

“Listen to me. Stay humble, admit your mistakes, and you might just get out of this.”

“Yeah, OK. Thanks for the update, Joe.”

Dex ended the call and was about to call Ryan but stopped. Ryan had told him to call him. They were brothers, and he would be there. Yeah, they were brothers and that was why he wouldn’t call him. He wasn’t risking getting his brother in more trouble. His dad? Well, they were never going to be on the same page about this, so what was the point? Damn. As if he didn't already know, this just made it even clearer. He really missed Kelly.