He missed Pops already. To never hear his voice again. Never be able to lean on him, get his advice or opinion, shoot the shit, go fishing. Grown man or not, he loved his father, and his passing left a massive void in his life. Fighting back tears, Dex took a deep breath pulling himself together.
Ryan had stayed back to wait for him, leaning against his Mustang.
“We can stay longer if you want. No one’s gonna mind,” Ryan said as he joined him.
“No. To be honest I just want to get it over with.”
Ryan nodded and they climbed into his car and headed out toward McGarry’s.”
“Shit!” Dex cursed.
“What’s up?”
Dex reached into his pocket, taking out a photograph of his mom. “I planned to place this on the casket. Corny, I know. Doesn’t matter.”
Ryan slowed, doing a one-eighty. “It does matter.”
Ryan stayed in the car as Dex walked back to the graveside. He stopped, there was someone standing with their back to him. A woman. He waited, not wanting to interrupt, then the woman turned as if sensing him. Their eyes locked.
She wore a simple, sleeveless black dress that ended just above the knees. It was fitted, outlining her tiny waist, small breasts and perfect ass. The black pumps elongated her legs, defining the muscles in her calves. Her dark hair hung loose down her back and... Shit Dex, stop staring.
Kelly started walking toward him, a nervous smile on her face.
“Hey.” She stopped a few feet from him.
“Hey. I’m glad you came.”
“He meant so much to me.”
“I got your text. Sorry I didn’t respond...I...”
“It’s OK,” she said, interrupting him. “I understand. I didn’t want to impose or get in the way.”
“You could never impose,” he said gently. It was so good to see her.
“Well, I didn’t want to intrude, or overstep.”
Whoa, shit. Intrude? Did she think he was going to be here with .... fuck, what was her name? Sally?
“Kelly, look, we need to talk...”
“No, Dex. We don’t. Today is about Matt. It was a beautiful speech. You did him proud.”
“Thank you. But I do need to talk to you. Will you come to the wake?”
She shook her head. “I can’t. It’s too much for me right now. I’m sorry.”
Dex sighed. He hated the way things were between them. Once he got through today, he was going to fix this once and for all. But for now, he wouldn’t push.
“OK. I understand.”
“Say hi to the team for me and tell them I’ll catch up with them soon.”
Not waiting for a response, she walked away, taking his heart with her.
Dex dropped the photograph onto the casket, nodding at the grounds men shoveling the dirt into the hole, and said a silent prayer before making his way back to Ryan.
Getting in the car, he slammed the door. “Let’s go.” He buckled his seatbelt.